Casted Part 5

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The next day, I get up with a smile on my face, ready to start the day. I slip some leggings on with a cropped white Nike sweater and pack up my bag with anything I might need for the day before I head out to the waiting car. Sofia, Dove, Cameron, and Bre'anna are already in the car and I sit beside Sofia, glancing at Dove for a moment. She catches my eye, a glint of pain flashing in hers, and she shakes her head. I sigh to myself, looking down at my hands. I thought she was okay with him moving on? Boo Boo climbs in then, sitting next to Cameron, breaking me from my thoughts.

 "Ready to start interviews? The interviewers are always so nice. It's the first time they get to meet you too," Sofia looks at me with a small smile. I nod and give her a small smile as well, grateful for the distraction. 

"Yeah, of course I'm excited. I've always dreamed of going to interviews and award shows and talking to fans. All of it is finally coming true," I explain. The rest of the cast piles in then, Chance climbing in last, sitting next to me. His hair is all over the place and I recognize his t-shirt from last night. 

"Sorry guys. I fell back to sleep." Everyone laughs, except Dove who doesn't even look at him. 

"You? Fall asleep? Never!" Cameron teases. 

Chance chuckles and shakes his head. "Yeah, yeah. Shut it Cameron!" I smile to myself, playing with the few rings on my fingers quietly. Chance leans over, kissing my cheek softly and I can't help but blush. As selfish as it sounds, I'm really hoping Dove didn't notice.

Instead of taking us to the stage, the car drives us to a tall building lined top to bottom with windows and there is a large "People" sign flickering at the very top. 

"Welcome to your first ever interview as a cast member," Boo Boo says as we all slide out of the car and head inside. A man with dark hair and glasses comes up to us. 

"You must be the cast of Descendants 3," he says, never looking up from the clipboard in his hand. "Right this way." He leads us to a large back room where we find our stylists waiting for us. "You guys have about two hours to get ready and you're welcome to anything on the buffet table in the back," he smiles a bit as he leaves and closes the door. I walk over to the buffet table, grabbing a nectarine from the fruit bowl and a strawberry banana yogurt, digging for a cup to use the small coffee machine they have. 

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" His familiar, deep voice seeps into my skin and I bite my lip, forcing back a smile. I look over my shoulder and crack a smile at Chance. Dammit. I'm never not smiling around him. 

"I slept well actually. You?" 

He smiles and grabs an apple, taking a bite. "I slept well too. Are you alright? You seem distracted," he bites his lip slightly. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just, I love that we are together Chance, I do, but I just don't want to flaunt it in front of Dove you know? She's already upset about you guys ending things, even if she said she was okay. I can tell it's hurting her," I look up at him while I wait for my coffee to be made, leaning against the table.

 "I hear you, but I don't want to have to hide how I feel on set or anywhere when she's around just because she's mad. She'll understand eventually." He brushes some hair out of my face ever so gently, tucking it behind my ear. I lean into his touch slightly and close my eyes. 

"Yeah, I don't want to either. Let's just, let's be cautious about it okay? We're not here to rub it in her face," I bite my lip, a nervous habit of mine. 

He nods in agreement. "Fair enough." I smile and turn to grab my coffee, taking a small sip. 

"Let's go get ready," I push him lightly toward the front of the room then, sitting in my seat beside him. 

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