Into You (Brady Imagine)

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*for Staceylynnnnnn*

"Do I have to come with you Rach? I already went to all the live tapings of Boyband. Why do I have to come to the Roxy with you too?" I whine as my sister gets ready for In Real Life's show at the Roxy tonight.

"Because mom and dad won't let me go alone, and I want to support my friends," she says, adding a little bit more lipstick to her lips.

I groan and roll my eyes slightly. We went to school with Chance, and we were all good friends. To be nice, he brought us backstage at one of the shows and we got to meet the other boys that were on Boyband. Rachel immediately got close with Brady, and he's totally cute and I have a huge crush on him. If I go tonight I would get to see him again, but I don't want to risk embarrassing myself.

"Earth to Stacey!" Rachel snaps her fingers in my face and I jump slightly, blinking a few times.

I roll my eyes again and stand up. "Fine! I'll go!"

Rachel shrieks and hugs me, and I quickly change into a sundress and sandals for the show.


"You guys I think I have a serious crush on Stacey," I remark, smoothing out my button down shirt I'll be wearing for the show.

"No...really?" Chance teases, brushing his fingers through his hair.

My mouth falls open slightly. "Am I that obvious?"

The boys all nod and I groan. "What do I do? I feel like Rachel would kill me if I asked her out. She's so protective."

Drew walks over and pats my shoulder. "Dude, I think she'll be pretty understanding. Plus, you guys are friends. She trusts you."

I nod slightly and go to say something, but a knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. Sergio stands up and opens it and I nearly choke as I suck in a breath. Standing in front of us are Rachel and Stacey, and god does Stacey look beautiful.

"Surprise!" Rachel cheers.

Michael grins and attacks her in a tight hug. They're sort of dating. I guess I should have expected them to show up. "You came! I'm so glad!"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world Mike," Rachel says softly.

Stacey's eyes begin to wander and they land on me for a moment. I smile and give her a small wave. She waved back and slowly walks over to me.

"Good luck tonight," she comments. I smile more and shove my hands in my pockets.

"Thank you Stacey. I'm glad you came," I reply.

She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and looks down, almost acting...shy? "I'm glad I did too."

Sergio clears his throat and gets everyone's attention. "Time for the show!"

"Look Stacey, there's something I have to say," I state quickly.

She looks up at me in confusion. "I...appreciate you coming."

I mentally slap myself. Really? You chicken out now?

She frowns slightly and nods. "We already established that. Break a leg," she mumbles and turns to head out to the audience with her sister.

I groan and walk with the boys to grab earpieces and microphones.

Throughout the show I can't help but stare at Stacey. Her and Rachel are right in the front, cheering us on. She looks a little irritated or distracted and I can't help but wonder if that's my fault. Did I miss something? Was she expecting me to say something else? I should have just told her how I feel but I got so scared.

At the end of the set, the boys and I walk back to our dressing room still hyper from adrenaline.

"Dude the crowd sang right back to us! It was so cool!" Michael cheered ecstatically.

"Yeah and they were screaming so loud for us!" Drew yells.

Rachel peeks her head in then and grins. "You guys were amazing! Congratulations!" 

Michael kisses her softly and spins her around playfully.

"Hey where's Stacey?" I ask.

"She's out back waiting for me. She needed some air," Rachel answers, not even looking at me.

I grab my hoodie and make my way out the back door, finding Stacey leaning against the wall. "Hey."

"Hey." She looks up at me for a moment and shivers slightly. I drape my hoodie over her shoulders and give her a soft smile.

"Good job tonight. You guys were incredible," she mutters.

I run my fingers through my hair. "Thank you. Okay, I know I said this earlier, but I really need to say something."

She raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest. "Are we going to do this every time we see each other?"

"What?" I'm taken aback.

"Every time you see me, you say you need to tell me something and it's always something stupid. I saw Casey today, or we recorded another new song. I already know most of that from Michael and Rachel," she explains.

I sigh and squeeze my eyes shut. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize I do that so often. Look, I'm into you and I don't really know how to handle my feelings."

When i open my eyes, she's just staring at me.


" like me?" She stutters a bit and I find it totally adorable.

I nod and shrug slightly. "I have since we met really."

She stands up straight then. "I like you too. I kept wondering if that's what you wanted to tell me all this time, but got discouraged when you never said anything."

"I'm so sorry about that. I should have grown a pair and asked you out way earlier," I respond immediately.

She smirks slightly. "Wait, you're asking me out?"

"Well, Yeah. That's what you do when you like someone," I state.

Stacey smiles and wraps her arms around me in a gentle hug. "I'd love to go out with you."

I smile brightly and hug her back, kissing the top of her head softly.

"Well damn. I should have done this a long time ago."

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