Age Ain't Nothing But a Number (Brady Imagine)

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"Brady, do you really think this is a good idea?" I ask cautiously as we walk into the studio together.

"The boys are going to be happy for us. So what if we are four years apart in age? What matters is that we like each other," Brady assures.

I sigh slightly and nod, taking a deep breath as he opens the door to their studio room and we walk inside.

"Hey guys," Brady says. The boys all look up from their phones and smile, giving us a small wave. "Can we get your attention for a moment please?" Brady continues after a minute.

"Of course," Sergio comments, and I watch as the boys all set their phones down and turn their attention to us.

Brady nods and slides his hand through mine, lacing our fingers together. "Belle and I are dating."

The boys all look at each other in confusion for a moment and I prepare for the worst.

"Okay? Is that it?" Michael asks.

Brady looks at me and then back at the boys. "Uh...yeah?"

Drew laughs and claps his hands together slightly. "B, we already knew you guys were going to end up together."

"Yeah we appreciate you telling us, but why did you make it so dramatic?" Chance adds.

I sigh in relief and Brady lets out a small chuckle. "We were scared you were going to judge us because of the age difference."

"Love is love man. Good for you guys," Sergio says with a grin. Brady and I both smile and look at each other, sitting down on the couch. Brady slides his arm around me and for the next half hour, we chit chat with the boys.

Around noon, Ryan, Brady's brother walks in with their mom close on his heels. "hey guys, what's going on?" Ryan greets everyone, barely noticing me.

"Brady's in love!" Michael teases.

"Shut up Mike!" Brady counters with a small grin and I blush, looking down at my hands.

Ryan raises an eyebrow and looks at Brady. "In love with who?"

Brady looks at me for a moment and then up at Ryan, dumbfounded that he couldn't see the obvious. "Belle."

Ryan looks at me and I give him a small smile. "How old are you again?" He asks.

Here we go. I think to myself. "I'm 19," I state politely.

Brady's mom scoffs behind us and Brady and I both look at her. "19? Brady, you are only 15. No way."

Brady rolls his eyes. "Mom, you act like it's a big difference. You and dad are five years apart. I don't see the big deal."

The boys all suck in a breath, clearly knowing this is going to start a fight and they hesitantly get up and leave the room. I gulp slightly and play with the rings on my fingers nervously.

Brady's mom raises an eyebrow in shock. "I was not underage when your dad and I got together. This can be considered rape."

"Mom, no it can't. Everything we do would be consensual because we are together."

"Except that it's not! Until you are 18, anything you guys do will be scrutinized, especially in the media," his mom argues.

"With all do respect Ms. Tutton, I love your son and I don't think people will have an issue with us being together. He'll be 18 in a few years and it would be fine then, so why is it a problem now?" I ask quietly.

His mom looks at me with a slight glare. "Is it not registering in either of your heads that Brady is underage? I will not let my boy be scrutinized because he wants to have sex with some 19 year old chick."

My cheeks redden and I look down, biting back tears as I realize that she reduced me to "some chick".

Brady clenches his jaw then and stands up. "That's not even fair! First of all, she is not just some 19 year old chick! I am in love with her! I care about her whole-heartedly.We are not together just to have sex. I want to be able to go out and have lunches and dinners with her. I want to go see movies and go mini golfing and just walk around and have fun and hang out! This isn't a joke! I'm completely serious about wanting to be in a relationship with her!"

His chest is rising and falling at a fast rate because of how angry he is. His face is red, there's a vein popping out of his neck, and his hands are clenched into fists at his sides. I hesitantly stand up and grab one of his hands, prying it open gently.

"Sh...B take a deep breath. Calm down," I soothe in his ear.

I feel his shoulders relax and he slides his hand around mine.

"You know what? I don't even care what you guys say right now. I'm going to date Belle whether you like it or not."

"Brady..." his mom goes to speak, but Brady holds up his hand and pulls me gently to the door. 

"Save it mom."

We walk out together then and the boys all stare at us in awe, clearly having heard everything.

"Brady," Drew starts, but Brady cuts him off.

"Are you going to scold me too?" He snaps.

"No man. I was going to say that we support you a hundred percent. Everything is going to be okay." Drew pats his shoulder and gives him a gentle hug and the rest of the boys join in.

Brady sighs slightly. "Thanks guys. I appreciate it."

I rub Brady's back gently, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry my mom talked about you like that."

"I'm fine Brady. Besides, you stood up for me. It was really amazing honestly," I say, giving him a small smile.

He smiles back and pecks my lips softly. "Well I meant every word."

I smile more, kissing him back softly. "I know. I loved you too by the way."

"Y'all are too cute!" Michael cheers, making all of us laugh.

Brady grins and looks at me, taking my hand in his. "Yeah I know."

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