What a Mess (Chapter 7)

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Sky's POV:

"Daddy!" Brooklyn claps her hands together excitedly when Chance and I, and the boys, walk through the gates of Disney World's Magic Kingdom.

"Hi sweet girl!" Chance exclaims, running over to her to scoop her up into his arms. She hugs him tightly and he smiles, kissing her cheek softly. "Are you ready to have so much fun?"

Brooklyn giggles and nods with a smile, squeezing his cheeks lightly. "Yes! Yes!"

Michael walks over then and grins. "Brooklyn! What's up cutie?"

I watch as Brooklyn's eyes light up and she reaches for him. Michael laughs and hugs her against him, spinning her around playfully.

"I forgot how much she loves him," I say, sliding my hand around Chance's elbow lightly. He smiles and nods.

"Oh my god does she adore him!" Chance states.

We all start walking through the park in search of the perfect first ride to take Brooklyn on. The whole time, Emma doesn't even look my way or acknowledge that I'm here which is frustrating, but I try not to let it ruin my day.

I stand in line for Splash Mountain with Brady, Chance talking to Brooklyn and Emma. "This is really going to take some getting used to. I've never dated someone who has a child with someone else," I mumble, watching Chance quietly.

Brady looks over at me and gives me a small, reassuring smile. "I think you'll eventually get used to it. If you like Chance that much, you'll have to. Emma is a part of his life because of Brooklyn."

"I know, I know. And I will get used to it, in time," I reply as we step forward as the line moves.

Brady smiles. "So...you guys are getting pretty serious then huh?"

I bite my lip and shrug, looking up at him. "I think so. He makes me really happy B."

Brady grins and shoves me gently, making me laugh. "Look at my best friend being all happy!"

"Me? What about you and Kayte? You two are so cute and happy right now!"

Brady grins again. "Yeah, we're getting serious too. Sky, I think I might be in love with her."

My eyes widen slightly and I smile, hugging him tightly. "No way! I'm so happy for you!"

Brady chuckles and hugs me back excitedly. "Thank you. I think I'm going to tell her when we get back home."

Chance walks over then, sliding his arm around my waist gently. "What's going on over here?"

"Nothing much. Just my two best friends in love," I tease and Brady blushes slightly when Chance looks at him in surprise.

"Congrats man! That's awesome!" Chance applauds.

"How's Brooklyn?" I ask when Brady walks ahead.

"She's good. She remembers you, and likes you," Chance responds.

I smile and look up at him. "She remembers me? Awww she's such a cutie!" I giggle slightly and kiss his jaw.

Chance smiles and leans down to kiss me softly. I kiss him back softly and slowly, sliding my fingers through his.


Chance's POV:

It's later in the night now, and Sky just fell asleep in my lap. I admire her beauty for a moment, running my fingers through her hair softly and soothingly.

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