What a Mess (Chapter 19)

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Sky's POV:

I pace back and forth in the kitchen nervously, shaking my hands out in front of me.

"This was a bad idea. I'm letting him into my home. I'm letting him back into my life!" I mutter anxiously.

Michael sighs and grabs my waist, pulling me between his legs where he is sitting on the counter. He slides his hands around my cheeks gently and looks me in the eye.

"Babe, I know it's scary. You did the right thing though. Noah needs to know his dad. This doesn't mean anything. You said that to him. It's just for Noah's sake. Take a deep breath okay?" He says lowly and soothingly.

I slowly inhale through my nose and close my eyes. "You're right. Thank you Michael."

Michael gives me a small smile and kisses me softly. "For the record, I'll kill him if he tries anything on you."

I giggle slightly against his lips and pull back. "He won't. He's back with Emma remember?" I say with a bitter tone.

"I still can't believe he did that to you," he whispers, but I shake my head quickly.

"Don't bring that up okay? I really don't want to think about it."

Liar...I can't stop thinking about it if I'm being completely honest.

The doorbell rings then and I feel my pulse quicken as I grow nervous again.

"I got it!" Ryan shouts from the living room. I take a deep breath and pick Noah up out of his high chair gently.

"You're an idiot man. Letting someone like her go. I can't believe she's even letting you see Noah right now." I hear Ryan say from the door. I smirk slightly, knowing he has my back. I walk out of the kitchen with Michael close behind me. Chance's wide eyes trail from Ryan's face to me and they widen even more.

"Look how big he is," Chance whispers slightly, walking over to me. I keep my eyes on Noah, feeling extremely uncomfortable in this situation.

Noah looks up at Chance with the same chocolate brown eyes that he has and he squirms in my grasp, hiding his face against my neck. I kiss the top of his head softly, letting him wrap his small hand around my thumb.

"He's beautiful." Chance looks at me and I glance momentarily at him before looking back down at Noah.

"He's in good hands," Ryan and Michael agree at the same time. Chance sighs and looks between them.

"I know how you guys feel about me, okay? I feel horrible, but can you please stop?" He asks kindly.

"He's right guys. Ryan, can you go hang out with Brady for a bit? And babe, why don't you go up to my room? I'll meet you there when we are done okay?" I kiss Michael sweetly and he glances sideways at Chance before he squeezes my arm and walks upstairs. Ryan shakes his head slightly and goes downstairs to the basement. I walk over to the couches and sit down quietly.

"Thank you." Chance sits beside me. I look at him for a minute before I give him a slight nod.

"Can I hold him?" He asks when I don't say anything. I hand Noah to him carefully and he sits back against the couch, smiling down at Noah happily.

I take this opportunity to really look at Chance. He looks tired. He has dark circles under his eyes and he doesn't seem as genuine and bubbly as he once was. It makes my heart hurt to see him look so vulnerable. It shouldn't because he's the one who made the mistake, but it still does. When you love someone as much as I loved him, the feelings don't just go away.

"How has he been?" Chance asks, looking over at me.

I shrug slightly, playing with a loose string on my sweater. "He's good. He likes to try and talk a lot and he's starting to crawl way more now. He sleeps through the night usually too which is so nice."

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