I Won't

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"I won't date a fan. They like us for all the wrong reasons. I want to be with someone who likes me for who I am, not what I do and for the money I make," Chance says, tossing a piece of popcorn in the air and catching it in his mouth.

"Come on. Not all fans want to be with us because of our money. Some of them might genuinely like us," Michael argues, tossing his empty popcorn bag and drink in the trash. The two boys head for the doors of the movie theater, having just finished watching Captain Marvel.

"I don't know man. I just don't see myself dating a fan," Chance argues. Thump! He walks right into something, or rather someone. When Chance looks down at the girl who had fallen to the ground, he is met with piercing green eyes. He holds out his hand to her.

"I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" He comments. The girl blows some hair out of her face and takes his hand, letting Chance pull her up. 

She brushes her jeans off and tucks a strand of her chocolate brown hair behind her ear. "It was my fault. I was looking at my phone to figure out where my friend was. I should have gone off to the side."

Chance takes in the way her eyes glint in the dim lighting of the theater. The way she looks down shyly and twists her fingers nervously.

"I don't mean to be a bother, but are you guys from In Real Life?" The girl asks. Chance's heart drops. A fan. Of course she is.

Michael grins a bit and nods. "We are. Are you a fan?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. I like your music a lot. Sorry again for not paying attention." She side steps and starts walking away.

Michael nudges Chance who blinks a few times. "Dude! She didn't even ask for a picture!"

"So?" Chance questions.

"So she's not looking for the Instagram likes! You should get her number!" Michael hisses.

Chance shakes his head. "I told you. I don't want to date a fan."

Michael sighs and shakes his head, walking out the doors. Chance follows after him, looking over his shoulder at the girl he ran into. As he disappears, the girl looks back, catching a small glimpse before he's out of sight.


"Mac! Come on! I have to get to work!" Amanda pouts, grabbing her purse.

"You go ahead. I still have a lot of work to do before this song is anywhere close to perfect," Mac, or Mackenzie, waves her hand dismissively.

Amanda shakes her head. "Always working."

"Says the girl on her way to work," Mac teases, kissing Amanda's cheek before she watches her friend disappear out the door. She sips on her latte and turns back to her laptop, typing away.

"Hey, weren't you at the theater yesterday?" Someone asks. Mac looks up and sees Michael and Chance standing at the other end of the table. They remember me?

Mac smiles kindly and nods. "Guilty."

"What a crazy coincidence!" Michael grins and looks at Chance. Chance clears his throat a bit and scratches the back of his neck. 

"It's a little busy in here and there are no open tables. Would you mind if we joined you? Or is that weird? If it's weird we can just go somewhere else," Chance mumbles.

Mac laughs a bit. "No, of course. I'd love the company."

Chance can't help but think that her laugh is super adorable. Michael grins and sits down across from Mac. Chance takes the spot to the left, between the two.

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