What a Mess (Chapter 25)

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Sky's POV:

Brady glances between Drew and Chance for a moment before he looks at me. I give him a worried look and he sighs, looking down at his hands.

"Well?" Drew taps his foot against the floor impatiently, and for an unknown reason he seems to be reveling in the moment.

Chance watches Brady with a frown, noticing how fidgety he is. "Brady?"

"I kissed Sky." He finally blurts out.

I feel my stomach drop and my muscles tense as Chance's jaw clenches tightly.

"What?" He asks monotonously, taking a few steps forward. I nearly jump out of my seat, stepping between them, my hands pressing against Chance's chest.

"Chance don't do anything you'll regret. He didn't mean anything by it. He's really hurt and I'm all he knows right now," I try to explain.

"So you let him kiss you?" His eyes are dark with anger as he looks down at me, his hands clenching into fists and unclenching a few times.

I shake my head and lock eyes with him. "You're joking right? I pushed him away, Chance. He's not in a good state of mind and he went against his better judgement. You need to take a breath."

Chance growls slightly, my eyebrows raising in shock as I have never seen him this angry. His eyes find Brady who is standing behind me, watching us.

"What is your problem? You don't go around kissing other people's girlfriends!" He shouts.

Brady swallows hard and shakes his head. "It was a mistake. I'm sorry. Kayte ended things and-"

Chance lets out a cynical laugh. "So you tried to move on to your next best friend?"

"Chance!" I shove him slightly to bring his attention back to me.

"Knock it off! This isn't you!" I state bluntly. Chance's eyes meet mine again and this time they soften slightly.

"He kissed you. How do you expect me to act?" He asks. I sigh and slide my hands around his cheeks gently.

"It won't happen again. He doesn't have feelings for me. He was  just lost and hurting. I'm in love with you, ya big dummy," I assure him quietly.

I watch as achance's shoulder relax and he glances over my shoulder at Brady. "If you ever do something like this again, I will come after you. Got it?"

Brady nods frantically and practically scurries our of the room.

"Was threatening him really necessary?" I ask with a small sigh.

Chance glances down at me, his lips pressing softly against my nose. "I don't like the thought of someone else touching you, or kissing you."

I scrunch my nose up slightly. "No one else does. Okay?"

He nods and sighs finally. "I'm sorry. I guess I got a little-"

"Hot-headed? Arrogant? Rude? Hulk-like?" I finish for him.

"I was going to say jealous," he replies with an eyebrow raised.

I smirk slightly and smooth out his shirt. "Ya think?"


"Chaaannnccceee!" I whine as I follow him down the path along the lake. "Where are we going?"

He chuckles and slides his palm against mine, lacing our fingers together. "Just trust me okay?"

I huff and open my mouth, but close it again, giving up my fight.

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