What a Mess (Chapter 14)

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Sky's POV:

"Kayte! Are you sure this dress looks okay on me? It's not too tight?" I ask, walking out of my hotel bathroom, smoothing out my dress.

Kayte looks up from the mirror she's been staring at for the past hour trying to do her makeup. Her mouth falls open slightly and she slowly nods. "You're joking right? You look amazing!"

I give her a warm smile and turn to the full length mirror, admiring the dress. I'm wearing a deep green, floor length red dress. It's basically strapless with just two small straps hanging loosely off my shoulders. There is a slit that comes all the way up to my hip. My hair has a beach wave look to it and is twisted and pinned half up. "Thank you. This is the first time Disney is hosting this Christmas ball. I want to look good."

"Well you definitely do. Don't worry about that. Tonight is going to be tons of fun," Kayte states, going back to doing her makeup.

"I know. I'm really excited actually. I get to sing two Christmas songs on stage, and Chance will be performing with the boys obviously," I say, sitting down to slip my strappy heels on.

Kayte smiles as she finishes her makeup and she looks at me. "You're really happy aren't you?"

"I am. Chance makes me really happy. I just keep thinking that this is all a dream. My life has never gone this smoothly and you know it," I reply.

"Maybe the worst is behind you and God is finally blessing you with wins," Kayte responds with a  shrug.

I laugh and shake my head. "Whatever. That was such a lame sentence!"

Kayte laughs along with me and shrugs again. I hear a knock at the door then and bite the inside of my cheek.

"Time to go!" Kayte cheers. I smile and stand up, walking to the door to open it.

Michael appears on the other side and I tilt my head to the side slightly, not expecting it to be him.

"Hey," I say softly. Michael just stares at me, not responding for a while.

I raise an eyebrow and wave my hand in front of his face. "Earth to Michael!"

He blinks a few times and shakes his head, clearing his throat. "Sorry, you just look incredible right now."

I blush and give him a small smile. "Thank you Michael."

He smiles a bit and nods. "Right, so, I was told to come tell you that the car is ready to go. We have to head out."

I nod and grab my clutch quietly. Kayte pushes past me, looking between Michael and I before she shakes her head and starts walking.

I raise an eyebrow and shut the door, jogging slightly to catch up to her, careful not to step on her long green gown. "What was that?" I ask.

"What was what?" She questions nonchalantly.

"Why did you look at us like that?" I reply.

Kayte sighs. "He was so clearly making eyes at you Sky and you were completely oblivious. If you aren't careful, he might try to make a move on you again."

I roll my eyes slightly and wave my hand dismissively. "No he won't. He understands that Chance and I are together and happy. He wouldn't do that."

"I'm just saying. You need to be careful," Kayte warns. I let out a small sigh and nod, glancing over my shoulder. Michael is walking a good distance behind us with his hands shoved in his pockets. He catches my eye and smiles. I give him a small one back before I turn back around and climb into the car.

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