Long Distance (Drew Imagine)

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"Hey babe! How's Chicago treating you?" I ask as Drew's face appears on my phone screen.

He smiles brightly and shrugs. "It's great here! The fans have all been really sweet so far!"

"Good, I'm glad." I smile and lean back against the couch.

"How's everything over there?" Drew asks, looking over his shoulder as the boys all let themselves into his hotel room.

"Oh ya know. Same as always. I've been working a lot since you're gone because it's not like I have anything better to do," I reply, running my fingers through my hair.

"Mhm..." Drew doesn't seem to be paying attention then and I sigh to myself.

"Hey Drew. Hey Cara!" Chance waves at me and I give him a small smile before he disappears from view.

"Drew, we have a lot of work to do." I hear Brady say.

"Yeah, yeah. I know."

"Grab a snack for the road, but we have to head out," Sergio appears, giving me a slight wave, patting Drew on the shoulder.

I sigh and bite the inside of my cheek. This is how it's been for weeks. When Drew and I have time to talk, he won't talk to me as much as he talks to the boys. It's like I'm not even there some times.

"Drew!" I yell to get his attention. He looks at me then and frowns.

"Sorry love. I have to go," he says quietly.

"Yeah I know. This is getting really hard," I mumble.

"Wait, what do you mean?" He asks hesitantly. I sigh and look down, playing with he frayed edges of my blanket.

"Drew, I don't think right now is a good time for you to be in a relationship. You and the boys are always together so there's never time for us to talk just the two of us. When we do talk, it's like your head is somewhere else."

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asks and I hear the other boys all go dead silent.

I bite my lip harshly, tears welling in my eyes. "Let's call it taking a break. When you have more time to yourself we can try again, okay?"

"Cara, come on. This isn't fair," he argues, but I shake my head.

"I'm sorry Drew. I can't keep pretending like I'm okay with feeling like I'm not even here when we talk. I'll see you later okay?" I end the FaceTime and sniffle, wiping at my eyes. I feel like I just lost my other half, but it had to be done. For the sake of his career and his band. I was just a distraction he doesn't need.


A few weeks have passed now and even though I ended things with Drew, it hurts. I miss him and I find myself on social media trying to see how he's doing.

I'm on my way home from work, my headphones blaring music in my ears. A car pulls up beside me and I see someone get out from the corner of my eye, but think nothing of it as I keep walking. I feel someone grab my shoulder and jump back slightly. I relax slightly when I see it's Drew and sigh, pulling my headphones out.

"Hey," I mumble.

Drew shoves his hands in his pockets. "Hey."

"When did you get back?" I ask awkwardly, running my fingers through my hair.

"Oh, uh, just a few hours ago."

I nod slightly and shiver a bit in the chilly night air. Drew shrugs his jacket off and drapes it over my shoulders, just like old times. 

I look down and bite my lip. "You didn't have to do that."

"I know. Old habits die hard I guess."

I go to open my mouth, but Drew cuts me off. "Can we talk? Please?"

I bite the inside of my cheek and nod. "Yeah okay."

We walk to the coffee house around the corner and order some coffees before we sit down in the back corner together.

"I miss you," he states bluntly.

"Drew. I'm just a distraction to you and your music. I felt like an inconvenience whenever we were on FaceTime because you were always talking with the boys or on your way to the studio."

"You are not an inconvenience and you never will be. I love talking to you even if it's just for five minutes. I love listening to you talk, even if it seems like I'm not paying attention. Sometimes I just FaceTime you to see your face," Drew says, reaching for my hands. "You are not a distraction to me. You are my life okay? I love you."

I look up at him in shock, my mouth falling open slightly. "You...you love me? I didn't know that."

"Well, you kinda broke up with me before I could tell you."

"Oh so it's my fault?" I smirk a bit.

Drew laughs. "I mean, yeah!"

I giggle and shake my head, squeezing his hand. "I've missed you too, and for the record...I love you too. I've been miserable without you."

Drew smiles and looks down shyly. "I've been a mess without you. The boys were worried there was something seriously wrong."

"Do you have a break from recording now?" I ask.

Drew nods. "Yes! Can we please try again? I have three weeks off and I really want to spend time with you."

"Of course we can Drew. I really do want to be with you."

Drew grins happily and leans across the table, kissing me softly.

My stomach flutters slightly and I kiss him back sweetly and slowly.

"I love you Cara."

"I love you too Drew."

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