What a Mess (Chapter 11)

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Sky's POV:

"Okay! Let's get started!" The photographer claps his hands together. The boys and I gather around him. We all have something blue on for the shoot. My dress is blue, Chance's shirt is blue, Michael's pants are blue, Drew's jacket is blue, Brady's shoes are blue, and Sergio's bandana is blue.

"So for the first photo, I'm going to have Sky sit in this chair. You guys are going to kind of gather around her. Two of you will sit on each of the arms. Two of you will sit on the back of the chair. One of you will be on the floor in front of the chair."

We nod and I sit down in the chair, crossing my legs. Chance and Sergio climb up behind me, sitting on the back of the chair with their backs against each other. They have one leg bent, their arms resting on their knees, their other legs hidden behind the chair. Brady and Drew sit on each arm of the chair and mock the positions of Chance and Sergio, facing the camera. Michael sits on the floor, propping himself up on his elbow, one leg outstretched, the other bent.

"I want you all to just stare at the camera, no smiling." We listen to the photographer and he snaps the picture.

For the next picture, I am smirking at the camera, holding onto a pillar. The boys are all peeking out from behind a wall, staring at me in awe.

Next, we create a pyramid. Sergio, Michael, and Drew are on the bottom, then it's Chance and Brady. I climb on top of them to be the top of the pyramid. We all try to balance as well as we can. Right as the photographer goes to take the picture we all start laughing like idiots. Once the picture is taken, Sergio collapses and all of us on the top start to fall. I shriek as I land on top of Drew. He shoots me a wink and I quickly scurry off of him, feeling like my skin is crawling. I feel arms slide around me then and I look over my shoulder to see Chance grinning. He pulls me down beside him and we are all laying with our heads together. I giggle as Chance looks at me, kissing my nose softly. I scrunch my nose up and kiss him softly.

"Why are you guys so damn cute?"  Sergio asks, slowly sitting up.

I look over at him and laugh. "Oh come on. We aren't that cute."

"Yeah you are."

"Most definitely."

"Gross." The other boys all chime in then, including Michael.

"Did you just call me gross B?" I raise an eyebrow and smirk.

Bray laughs and nods. "You guys are insanely gross! You're so adorable!"

"So are you and Kay!" I laugh and shove him.

Brady laughs and shoves me back playfully. The photographer clears his throat and we all shut up then, looking up at him.

"Can we please focus?" He asks. 

We all mumble a quick sorry and stand up to continue. For the next picture, the boys are standing in a row and I am at the front of the line, posing as though I'm walking. Chance is behind me and is instructed to grab my hand. The other four sort of lean toward Chance and the photographer snaps the picture.

Next he asks me to jump on Drew's back so we can pretend like the boys are behind us, chasing us. I feel my stomach drop and I bite the inside of my cheek harshly as I look at Drew. He grins and bends down slightly. 

"Well come on. We don't have all day Sky," he comments.

I sigh to myself and jump on his back, my arms around his neck. He slides his hands under my thighs, making me cringe slightly, but I hide it well. The rest of the boys all stagger themselves behind us so they'll all be seen in the photo. As soon as the photographer takes the picture, I slide off of Drew, smoothing out my dress. Well, really I'm trying to get rid of the creepy feeling I got, but I play it off like I'm fixing my dress.

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