What a Mess (Chapter 16)

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Sky's POV:

"You look like you just saw a ghost." The banker tries to crack a joke, but I stare at him like he has two heads.

"Considering you let my mother take all of my money, I would not be joking around right now," I snap slightly.

The banker frowns and nods. "Right." He clears his throat. "I'm really sorry about that. She said she was taking it out because you needed it for a surgery."

"Isn't there some rule that you have to contact the person, aka me, that opened the account and ask for permission?" I ask.

"Not if it's the legal guardian who is asking for the money." The banker admits.

I squeeze my eyes shut, pinching the bridge of my nose slightly. "So what happens now?"

"I've contacted the police, but they can't find her anywhere. It's like she fell off the face of the earth," the banker says.

"Oh you think? She just stole my money!" I reply sarcastically. "So that's it? I can't get it back?"

The banker shakes his head. "I'm so sorry ma'am."

I sigh and stand up, walking out the door angrily, refusing to cry. I let the cool breeze hit my face and dial Brady's number.

"Any luck?" He asks as he answers.

"There's nothing they can do. Until my album drops, I'm broke," I mumble, staring up at the sky.

"We'll help you out. We wouldn't be family if we didn't," Brady assures.

I sigh and start walking back to the car. "No B. I can't ask you guys to do that."

"We want to help. Mom has already said we will. It's a done deal," Brady insists.

I sigh again. "Fine. I'm not going to argue. All I wanted was a nice little Christmas and it turned into this shitshow."

I can tell Brady is smiling on the other end of this call. "I wouldn't be so sure."

I raise an eyebrow, but he hangs up before I can ask what he means. I walk over to the car that Chance let me borrow and stop short when I see him leaning against the back with a teddy bear in his hands.

"What are you doing?" I ask, starting to smile a bit.

Chance grins and hands me the bear, kissing my forehead softly. "I couldn't let you go through this alone no matter how much you insisted."

I let out a small giggle and hug the bear against me, kissing him softly. "You're the best."

Chance smiles and brushes some hair out of my face. "Let's go have a good time and just forget about this for a little while okay? It's Christmas Day!"

I give him a small smile and nod. 


Instead of going back to Chance's house, he drives us to the beach.

"What? Chance, I don't have a suit," I say as we get out.

"It's okay. Kayte packed you one." Chance takes my hand gently and leads me down to a small little cabana where the rest of the boys, and Kayte, are hanging out.

"Hey! Look who it is!" Sergio cheers. Everyone looks over at us and Kayte comes over, giving me a gentle, reassuring hug.

I smile and hug her back. "Before anyone asks, I don't want to talk about it. I just want to have some fun."

"Talk about what?" Brady teases with a grin.

I laugh slightly and shove him playfully. "So I hear there's a suit for me?"

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