What a Mess (Chapter 28)

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*thanks for nearly 12,000 views guys!! It means the world to me!!

Sky's POV:

I'm in Sleeping Beauty's castle right now. No big deal...I'm not freaking out.

What's more; I'm getting married in half an hour to the man I fell so in love with the day we bumped into each other.

I hear a gasp from behind me and turn around to see Coleen standing there with wide eyes, her mouth hanging open. "You look absolutely stunning Sky!"

I blush and smile a bit, smoothing out my dress. The top is long sleeve lace and there's a deep cut out that outlines my breasts perfectly. The lace stops at the waist where a diamond encrusted belt separates it from the bottom. The bottom of my dress puffs out like Cinderella's dress did in the movies and, when the light catches it just right, it subtly sparkles. My hair is pinned into a neat bun with a French braid on either side of my head. The vail is pinned just underneath the bun. My makeup is mostly neautral with a hint of blue eyeshadow to match the color scheme of the wedding.

"Thank you. You look gorgeous as always," I respond, hugging her gently. She smiles and kisses my cheek softly.

The other girls all stand up then after finishing up the last touches to their hair and makeup. Their dresses are strapless and are pinched in slightly at the waist where the rest hangs straight down. The tops are a royal blue and they fade into a baby blue at the bottom. Each dress has a hint of silver sparkles when they are in the light as well.

"You girls are so so beautiful!" Coleen comments and the girls all smile and thank her.

I take a deep breath then and bite the inside of my cheek nervously. "I know I shouldn't be nervous, but I am."

Surprisingly, Emma steps forward and takes my hands. Her and I have become best friends recently. "There's no reason to be nervous or worried about anything. You saw at the rehearsal dinner last night that everything is set up and ready. You look amazing and Chance is ready to marry the girl he fell in love with."

I give her a weak smile and squeeze her hands. Presley walks over then and hands me my bouquet of flowers. They are a mix of pale blue and white roses. "Tonight is going to be beautiful."

The photographer walks in then, along with John, the boys' manager. He had a few ideas to make the wedding exciting and contemporary so we brought him on to help us. "You ladies remember what you have to do right?" He asks.

Casey speaks for everyone. "As we walk down the aisle with our groomsman, we are singing part of the song. We stop at the first row of chairs and create an aisle for the bride. As she walks down the aisle, we all clap to the beat and as she passes us we curtsy and then when she gets to the groom, we head to our spots."

John nods and smiles. "This is going to be a night to remember. Congratulations Sky."

"Thanks John." I look at Casey, Presley, Aspen, and Emma for a moment, reveling in the moment.

"Let's take a few pictures," the photographer says then. We all nod and await instruction.

The first picture is me standing in between the girls. Two are on one side and two are on the other. They are all turned toward me and we smile for the camera. 

The next photo I am standing in the front, smiling down at the bouquet in my hand. The girls are staggered behind me, peeking out and smiling for the camera.

The next one, I sit on the couch and each girl is pretending to get me ready. Aspen is pretending to fix my vail, Emma pretends to put lipstick on me, Presley pretends to paint my nails, and Casey pretends to smooth out my dress.

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