Beach Waves

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for @cattytheangel  enjoy!

"Bradyyyy. Can I open my eyes now?" You whine. He has his hands covering your eyes, leading you to some place he said was the perfect date spot.

"Not yet. Almost there," he says behind you. You guys stop walking then and you take a minute to listen. There are no honking cars or sirens. Only the splash of waves on a...oh.

"Open," he whispers, removing his hands. You open your eyes and gasp at the sight before you. He has set up a picnic blanket on the sand of the beach. There are a few candles lit and he wrapped string lights through the palm tree where you guys carved your names when you first started dating.

"Brady, it's incredible," you breathe, looking over at him.

He smiles and kisses your forehead softly. "Happy birthday gorgeous."

You guys sit down and he starts pulling food out of a bag. He made Parmesan-crusted chicken-your favorite-and even brought a bottle of wine. He pours two glasses and hands one to you, holding his out.

"To another year of happiness, health, and love," he toasts. You smile and clink your glass against his.


When you guys finish eating, Brady stands up and pulls his shirt off.

"What are you doing?" You laugh as he throws his shirt in your face.

"Going for a swim! Come on!" He exclaims, kicking his jeans off.

"Are you crazy? It's too cold to go swimming!" You giggle as he starts running for the water.

"The water is warm all year round! Come on, Stella!" He calls as he dives in.

You take a deep breath and bite your lip, pulling your dress off. You let it fall to the sand and slowly walk over to the water. The tide comes in and soaks your feet and you shiver in the cold night. You take one more deep breath before you dive in, surfacing just in front of Brady.

He smiles and tucks some hair behind your ear. "How was the food?"

"Amazing. Thank you for cooking me my favorite meal," you answer with a small smile, leaning up to press your lips against his softly.

He slides his hands around your cheeks and kisses you deeply, pulling you closer. Your arms find their way around his shoulders, your fingers twisting in his hair.

"I love you," he whispers. You pull back slightly and look at him.

"What?" you ask.

"You totally heard me," Brady says with a pout.

You smirk. "Hm, maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. Say it again just in case."

"I. Love. You." He enunciates each word clearly.

You grin and kiss him again deeply. "I love you too, Brady."

His hands slide around your hips. "Yeah?"

"Yes, of course. I have since the day we met."

"Really? Wow, you have me beat," Brady comments.

Your mouth falls open and you hit his chest. "What? When did you realize you loved me then?"

"The night my car died while we were driving home and we laid out on my hood and just watched the stars. I spent most of the night watching you," he explains.

"Awww, you're so cute." You smile and peck his lips again.

He kisses you back momentarily. "Yeah I know."

You hit his chest again and he chuckles, making you laugh as well.

"Best birthday ever." 

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