Surprise! (Michael Imagine)

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*this is for Rsipley*

In Real Life has been on tour for about a month now. Michael and I started dating just before they left and even though we FaceTime every day, I still miss him. We have this strange connection and we clicked almost instantly so we are super close.

Tired of waiting around for him to come home, and having a few days off of work, I get an idea. I dial Sergio's number, hoping he picks up.

"Hey, whaddup Regan?" He answers.

"Hey Serg. You think you can help me out with something?" I ask curiously.

"Uh, I'm not sure what I can do from another state, but I'll try my best."

"Actually, where you are is perfect. I need you to help me surprise Michael. I have a few days off from work and I want to come see him."

"Oh! Of course I'll help! What do you need me to do?" He asks.

"Okay so I was thinking you could help me get a backstage pass to your show tonight and I'll be waiting backstage when you guys arrive. Is that something you can do?"

"Yeah, yeah. Definitely. I'll give the security guard at the back entrance your pass and let him know what is going on. Just show up and give him your name."

"You are the best Sergio. Thank you!" 

"Not a problem! I'll see later!" He hangs up then and I smile excitedly. I pack up my bag for the weekend and head to the airport.


I arrive at the venue around 5 and the boys are scheduled to arrive at 5:30. I quickly walk around the building to the back entrance to find a large, bald guy standing at the door.

"Hi, my name is Regan. I believe Sergio had a pass set aside for me?" I say politely, giving the man a small smile.

He looks down his nose at me and grumbles under his breath before pulling out a list to search for my name. He hands me a backstage pass and I grin, slipping past him into the building. I slide the lanyard around my neck and look around, deciding the best move was to wait behind the stage rather than in a room. My phone buzzes then and I see a text from Sergio.

"Got here early. You in position?"

I send a quick response and duck down behind a large speaker. I hear footsteps and some laughter, but then I hear something else that worries me.

"Dude, just tell me why you keep talking to my girlfriend. Are you guys flirting?" Michael asks, sounding very frustrated.

"Michael, I promise you there's nothing going on. She was just checking in," Sergio says, and suddenly they are standing right in front of the speaker I'm hiding behind.

"If she wanted to check in, then why didn't she text me? Or call me?" Michael responds.

Oh no...


Michael shakes his head, cutting Sergio off. "Instead I walked in on you talking to her over the phone and you've been texting her all afternoon. And you said you'll see her later which means you guys are meeting up. Why would you go behind my back like this?" Michael starts to get angry now and I watch Sergio take a step back. 

If I don't step in now this is going to get messy...

I slowly stand up from behind the speaker. Michael's back is turned to me so I clear my throat.

"Mike..." I say quietly, but loud enough for him to hear me.

He freezes and slowly turns around to face me.

"Regan, you- how- what are you doing here?" He stammers.

I bite my lip slightly. "I wanted to surprise you."

"How did you even get back here?" He asks, his mouth falling open slightly.

I glance over at Sergio. "I called Sergio and asked him to set me up with a backstage pass. He texted me to make sure I was on the plane and here."

Michael's eyes widen slightly and he looks at Sergio. "That's why...oh. I am so sorry Serg. I shouldn't have assumed you went behind my back and started talking to her."

Sergio shrugs slightly. "I figured you'd forget about it when she showed up so whatever man."

"I can't believe you set this up! I'm so happy you're here!" Michael finally snaps out of his shock and hugs me tightly, spinning me around.

I giggle and hug him back tightly. "Well I missed you!"

"I missed you too."

Michael sets me down and the rest of the boys join us then, followed by their manager.

"Oh hey! How are you?" Brady grins and gives me a small hug.

"Glad to see ya!" Drew gives me a high five and messes up my hair.

"Welcome to the tour!" Chance gives me a fist bump and smiles.

I laugh slightly. "Hey guys."

"Where's Kaitlyn? Did you guys break up? Wait, who is this?" Their manager butts in then. 

I immediately look at Michael and raise an eyebrow. "Who's Kaitlyn?" I ask, my tone slightly bitter.

Michael shakes his head. "No, no, no. Don't be worried. Kaitlyn is my sister." He looks at his manager, emphasizing the word sister.

"Oh! My bad! I totally thought she was your girlfriend!"

"No man. This is my girlfriend. Her name is Regan and she came to surprise me."

"Oh okay. Well it's nice to meet you then Regan! I hope you enjoy the show."

I smile and nod. "Likewise. And I'm sure the show will be great."

I look up at Michael and smile and he smiles back, kissing my cheek softly.

"This definitely didn't go as planned," I mumble and Michael laughs.

"You mean you didn't plan to have me get mad at Sergio?" He jokes.

"Or to think you were cheating with some girl named Kaitlyn," I tease right back.

He laughs again and I giggle. "I would never do that to you Regan. I promise."

"I would never do that to you either. I promise."

He smiles and leans down, pressing his lips against mine softly. I slide my fingers along his cheek lightly and push my lips back against his slowly, our lips molding together perfectly.

"Time to do sound check!" Their manager announces.

Michael slowly pulls away, pecking my lips one last time.

"I'll see you after the show babe." He whispers.

I smile. "See you after. Break a leg."

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