Made a Mistake (Drew Imagine)

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*for livinmendes*

"Babe! I have some news! I was doing an interview with the boys and-" Drew walks into the living room and stops talking when he sees his interview on the TV. "Oh you're watching it."

I look up at him and smile. "Of course I am! You think I would miss my boyfriend's first interview with Good Morning America?"

Drew smiles and sits down, sliding his arm around my shoulders. "Wait until you see what happened then."

As we watch, Michael Strahan asks which boys are single. Everyone raises their hand except for Drew. "Oh? Care to share some details Drew?" Michael Strahan asks with a grin.

I watch as Drew's face gets red and he cracks a smile. "Well, we've been dating for some time now, but we were keeping to ourselves. We wanted to keep our private lives private, but we've been talking recently about sharing the news so I guess now is as good a time as any. I'm dating Nayeli."

"THE Nayeli?" Michael Strahan asks, his eyes wide in awe.

Drew laughs and nods. "Yes, Nayeli. The one who sings and is about to go on her first tour in the Spring."

I look at Drew with wide eyes. "You told him?! So it's official then? Fans know?"

Drew looks over at me and nods. "Yeah, fans know. Is that okay?"

I smile and hug him tightly. "Of course it's okay! I'm so glad we don't have to hide it anymore!"

Drew chuckles and hugs me back tightly, kissing my temple softly.


"Why would Drew date Nayeli? She's so fake!"

"Lol this is a joke right? Drew is too good for Nayeli!"

"Too good for her? She's like way out of his league!"

"How are two completely different people dating?"

"I don't approve. They are so gross together. It won't last."

"I give it a month tops."

"Do you see what everyone is saying?" I ask, trying to show Drew my phone. He waves his hand dismissively and continues to scroll through Instagram.

"It's fine. It doesn't matter," he mumbles.

"It doesn't matter? What people are saying about our relationship doesn't matter to you?" I ask.

Drew looks up at me. "No, not really. It's not a big deal. Who cares what other people think?"

"But they're attacking our relationship publicly. How is that fair?" I question.

Drew shrugs and looks at his phone again. "It's fine."

"Do you seriously just not care about our relationship right now?" I snap.

Drew rolls his eyes, clearly frustrated. "I just don't care what people think. You should try not caring too."

I raise my eyebrows slightly and purse my lips, nodding slightly. "Fine. I don't care." I stand up, heading toward my room upstairs. "You can leave then if you really don't care that much."

"Nay, come on! That's not what I meant!" Drew calls, standing up.

"No? Well that's what it sounded like. I think I need a break," I mumble, halfway up the stairs.

"A break? Are you ending this?" He asks in awe.

"It's better this way. We are both heading out on tour so we won't get to see each other anyways," I whisper slightly, looking down at my hands.

Drew doesn't say anything and instead just walks out, slamming the door behind him. I wince slightly and take a deep breath to keep myself from crying.


About two weeks have passed now and the comments from fans haven't stopped. I haven't talked to Drew at all since he walked out and if I'm being honest, it hurts. I didn't think I would miss him as much as I do, but I'm really not happy without him.

I'm backstage at the first stop on my tour, Chicago. I get to play the United Center which to me is amazing. I can hear my fans cheering my name, excited for the show to start. When the lights go out, the cheering gets ten times louder and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. The part of the stage I am standing on begins to rise and when they see me appear, the audience starts chanting my name. I grin and hold the mic up to my lips. "Chicago! Let me hear you scream!"

The fans scream ecstatically and I see a lot of them bouncing around to get my attention. I smile and the music to my first song comes on. "Havana ooh na na." More cheering.

I start dancing around the stage with my backup dancers just as we rehearsed. Halfway through the song, the lights go out, the music being cut off. The audience gasps and looks around in shock. I frown and look over my shoulder at the backup dancers who shrug. The arena goes dead silent. "Sorry guys. We'll have this figured out in no time!" I say into the microphone.

Suddenly I hear someone, a male, start to sing. "She took me back to East Atlanta na na na..." I look around in confusion and suddenly a spotlight flips on and lands on Drew.

My mouth falls open as he slowly walks over to me, grabbing my hand in his free one. "Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?" He sings.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper between my teeth.

"Isn't she precious? Less than one minute old, and I never thought through love we'd be making one as lovely as she. Isn't she lovely made from love," he continues on.

I stare at him in awe as he finishes and the crowd cheers again. "I miss you Nayeli. I have been so lost without you."

"I miss you too. I shouldn't have argued with you like that," I whisper.

"No, I shouldn't have told you not to care. Obviously you should if we are in a relationship. I should too," he comments.

I shake my head. "You're right though. I shouldn't care what others think. It's our relationship so fuck them."

Drew chuckles and smiles, and it makes my heart warm to see such a familiar sight. "I thought you guys were in Florida for a show tonight?"

Drew laughs. "Welllll, I thought so too. When I woke up from my nap on the plane though, we were in Chicago. The boys set this up so we could see each other and get back together."

I look toward the side of the stage and see the other boys standing there with wide grins, waving at me. I giggle and wave at them, making them laugh as they nudge each other jokingly.

I shake my head and look back up at Drew. "How did you guys even get in here?"

"I guess Chance made a few calls and got us backstage. We were hiding in a dressing room until you came out here. Then Michael cut them music, and Sergio shut off the lights. Brady handed me a mic and literally shoved me on stage. I had to do something, so I improvised," Drew explains.

My eyes widen slightly. "That whole thing was improvised?"

Drew nods with a small grin.

"Damn. I'm impressed," I say with a small smile. He smiles more and presses his lips against mine deeply then.

"Don't ever let me walk out again," he mumbles. I giggle and kiss him back passionately as the fans start screaming and cheering for us.

"Don't worry. I won't make that mistake again."

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