How He Wins You Back

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Chance: It's been about a week since you broke up with him. He didn't exactly do anything wrong, but he was so focused on Brooklyn and his music, and it just made you feel like third place. How selfish does that sound? You regretted it immediately after leaving, but you didn't want to admit you were wrong. He called you everyday, begging you to come back, but you ignored him. One day, you are sitting at home, typing out an essay for your online class, when your doorbell rings. You set your computer down and walk to the door, opening it. Chance is standing there with his hands behind his back. Your heart pounds against your ribs as you look at him and you let out a small sigh. "Chance, what are you-" Before you can finish your question, Sergio appears, playing a guitar. Chance starts to sing to you, making your heart melt instantly. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. So please don't take my sunshine away." Sergio stands behind Chance with a large grin on his face. "Knock it off Serg." You roll your eyes and break into a smile, making Chance smile. "That was completely cheesy, but it was adorable," You say finally, looking up at Chance. He chuckles and pulls a box of chocolates and a teddy bear out from behind his back and hands them to you. "I'm sorry for making you feel like you were third place. I can't imagine my life without you," He states quietly. You shake your head and take the gifts, setting them aside and hug him tightly, draping your arms around your neck. "No, I'm sorry for making you feel like you had to choose between Brooklyn, music, and me. It was selfish. Obviously Brooklyn comes first. She's your daughter. And music is your passion. I shouldn't try to take that away," you ramble. Chance hugs you back immediately, his arms sliding around your waist. "Come back," he whispers. "You had me at 'you are my sunshine,'" you tease.

Michael: You are walking glumly through the park, heartbroken that Michael would hurt you like this. How could he cheat? You thought you guys were meant to be. Were you just a fling? You hear footsteps behind you all of a sudden, and you pick up your pace, not looking back. The footsteps get closer and you slide your house key between two fingers, prepared to scratch anyone who wanted to hurt you. "Y/N! Wait, please!" A voice calls behind you. You let out a small sigh of relief, but tense up again as you slowly turn around to come face to face with Michael. He stops walking then as he reaches you and you cross your arms over you chest. "I've tried calling," he says quietly. "And I ignored each call," you state bluntly. Michael sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "I didn't cheat on you, okay? I know those pictures made it look like I did, but you have to believe me. She was just a fan who asked for a few pictures. Of course I accepted, and she asked me to kiss her cheek. I never expected that it would look like something more. I promise you," he pleads, hesitantly grabbing your hands. You shake your head and look down. "Why should I believe it?" You whisper, mainly to yourself. "Because you know me. You know how close we got, and I would never do anything to hurt you. I like you too much to ruin it. I want you in my life Y/N," he explains, grabbing your chin gently. you allow him to force your head up and you lock eyes with him. He starts to lean in and you bite your lip. Your eyes flutter shut as his nose brushes against yours and slowly, you lean up to connect your lips. The kiss is slow and passionate. He pulls back, resting his forehead against yours and you smile. "I only want you."

Sergio: "Chance, why are we here?" You whine as your best friend (who also happens to be your ex's best friend) drags you into Times Square. "Because it's New York, it's summer, and I love Times Square!" He counters. "I hate it  here! It's sooo crowded," you reply with a frown. "I guarantee you'll love it after today," Chance responds with a grin. "What? Why?" You question and he holds out his hands in a shrug and smirks. Someone walks by you with a speaker in their hand and your favorite song starts playing, Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur. You shriek when a bunch of people run past you and start to dance. You stop in your tracks and watch them, Chance standing beside you. More people join in on the dance then and you look around in awe. "Is this a flash mob?" You ask Chance, looking to your right, but Chance just grins and starts to dance as well. You laugh as you watch everybody as they circle around you and continue to dance. Then the crowd parts and starts humming and Sergio walks through them and over to you. Your smile fades and your mouth falls open. He has a bouquet of roses in his hand and when he reaches you, he takes your hand in his free one. "I am so sorry for being an idiot and getting scared. I was afraid we were moving too fast, but when you left, I was left with a huge hole in my heart and it sucked. I can't stop thinking about you and I miss you everyday. Please give me another chance," he pleads. You smile again and nod and Sergio's face lights up. As the crowd starts dancing again, Sergio leans in and leaves a soft kiss on your lips. "I knew you two wouldn't be apart that long," Chance says as the song ends. You shove him playfully. "I can't believe you were in on it!" Sergio and Chance laugh and you rest your head on Sergio's shoulder.

Drew: When you pull up to your house, you start to grow anxious and worried. Your front door is slightly open and you know you locked it. It doesn't look like anyone broke in though. You dial Brady's number and he answers on the third ring. "I think someone is in my house," you whisper as you slowly open your front door all the way. "What? Don't go inside! I'll be there soon!" He panics and you hear shuffling on the other end. "No, just stay on the phone with me in case I need you to call the police," you say as you slowly step inside. Nothing appears to be out of place as you look around cautiously. You hear a noise from upstairs and you jump slightly, biting your lip. "Do you see anything?" Brady asks. "No, there's nothing missing. I heard something though upstairs," you whisper as you slowly creep up the stairs. "I should come over," Brady says, but you shake your head. "It's probably a squirrel or something." When you get to the top of the stairs, you notice that the hallway is lined with candles and rose petals. You sigh slightly in relief. "Brady, I'm fine. It's nothing. Thank you for staying on the line." Brady goes to reply, but you hang up and follow the candles to your room and open the door. Drew is standing in the middle of the room in a tux, flowers in his hand. You raise an eyebrow and lean against the wall. "You nearly scared me half to death. I thought someone broke in," you mumble. "Sorry, I just wanted to do something special to get your attention. I want to apologize for my outburst the other day. I was such a jerk and I had no right. If you want to pursue music, I don't want to stop you. I want to support you," he explains. You try to fight back a smile, but fail and you slowly walk over to him. "I'm so sorry Y/N." You nod and pull him into your arms. "I know." "Do you want to go grab dinner?" He whispers as he hugs you back. "That sounds perfect."

Brady: You are sitting in the studio with In Real Life, not by choice, but because Michael asked you to be there. Why would you willingly go sit there and watch your ex sing? Michael insisted you come hear their new song though, so here you are, sitting on the couch, watching all the boys except for Brady. You don't want to look at him. You know if you do, you'll just forgive him and run back into his arms. It isn't his fault he had to cancel your date. His plane got grounded due to weather, but it was your birthday so it hurt you more than it should have. "Alright, new untitled song, take one!" Their manager announces and the boys all slide their headphones on as the music starts. When Brady's part comes up, your heart skips a beat, realizing the words are about you. You hesitantly look over at him, and he's staring right at you, singing the song directly to you. You bite your lip and shake your head, tears welling in your eyes. They aren't sad tears though; in fact they are tears of pure joy. When the song finishes, you sniffle and run into the recording booth, attacking Brady in a tight, bone crushing hug. He stumbles back slightly, but catches his balance and snakes his arms around your waist. "I'm so sorry I missed your birthday. I promise I'll make it up to you," he whispers in your ear. You shake your head and slide your hands around his cheeks, looking up at him. "You already did."

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