Casted Part 8

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After another couple weeks of performing every night and filming, I finish up my time in New York. Tangled ends being a huge hit because it's a Disney film, staying Number 1 in the box office for weeks. Beauty and the Beast sold out every night and had the best reviews since Hamilton. I was honored to have been a part of both. Now I was keeping it low key for a while although I have been in and out of the recording studio for a week, recording songs for an album I want to release soon. I spend a lot of my time with Sofia and Brenna. They've become sisters to me. 

I'm sitting with Sofia and Brenna in a coffee shop in downtown Chicago, sipping on some coffee. 

"So how are things with Chance?" Brenna asks with a small smirk. 

I laugh and shake my head, running my fingers through my hair. "Everything is great. It's been weird not having him around though. He's been gone for three months and I've only seen him twice because he's so busy. Actually, I'm not gonna lie. The last time I saw him, he seemed distant. I don't know. He just didn't seem like the usual Chance I'm used to being around." 

"Well maybe he's just really tired," Sofia reassures, squeezing my arm gently. 

I give her a small smile and nod. "Yeah you're probably right." I take another sip of coffee and feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn in my chair and see a girl who can't be more than sixteen standing behind me. I give her a warm smile and go to say hi, but she interrupts me. 

"When did you and Chance break up?" She asks. 

My smile fades and my eyebrows crease together in confusion. "What?" She hands me a magazine and I bite my lip harshly when I see the pictures of Chance holding a brunette's hand and kissing her all over the front page. I push myself away from the table, throwing the magazine down and walk out of the coffee shop quickly, trying to hold in my tears. Making a scene in public is the last thing I want to do. I hear the door open behind me and suddenly Sofia and Brenna have their arms wrapped around me. I sniffle and wipe at my eyes, swearing I won't cry in public. I can feel people staring at us and I quickly slide into the car, wiping at my eyes. 

"There has to be some sort of explanation Sky. He would never do this to you. You saw how he reacted when you almost left because of Dove," Brenna whispers.

 "How can he possibly explain those pictures?" I snap. I pull away from them and sigh. "I'm sorry. I'll call you guys when I know something. I need to go home and call him." The girls nod and each hug me again, trying to reassure me that everything was fine.

 When I get home, I curl up against my headboard and FaceTime Chance. He answers after the fifth ring with a bright smile.

 "Hey babe!" He says cheerfully. I hold up the magazine immediately so he can see it and I watch as his eyes widen and his smile turns into a frown. 

"I didn't think there were cameras..." He mumbles. I let out a sarcastic laugh.

 "Oh so not knowing cameras were around makes it okay to cheat on your girlfriend?" I quip. 

"Sky, I'm so sorry. It was just a little fling that lasted like two days and it never should have happened." I look at him in shock and bewilderment. 

"Are you kidding me right now? Just some little fling?! How could you do this to me?! After everything we've been through. After Dove tried to come between us? I can't believe you could look me in the eye and tell me you loved me and then turn around cheat. I opened myself up to you. I betrayed my best friend's trust to be with you. I told myself it was okay because the connection we had was worth it because I knew we would last forever. How naive of me to think that this could last. I should have known that I would never get to keep someone so beautiful as my boyfriend. I shouldn't have let myself get close to you." I ramble on angrily, balling my sheets in my fist to keep from throwing something. 

"No, no Sky. Don't talk like that. It was an accident. A heat of the moment thing. I still love you so much. I cut that girl off entirely," Chance pleads. 

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, sure. How long has this been going on?" 

"Not lo-" I cut him off. 

"How long Chance?" 

"It started last month," he says with a sigh. 

"I knew you were acting weird when I saw you. I should have known but I pushed my doubts away thinking you would never hurt me. Look how wrong I was. You could have told me when you saw me and you didn't." 

"Sky, please-" I cut him off again, holding up my hand to get him to stop talking.

 "How do I know you won't cheat again Chance? There's going to be long gaps between when we see each other because you'll be working and I'll be working. Plenty of time for you to have sex with some other chick right? Plenty of time for you to kiss her and hold her hand and enjoy her company. I'm not letting you hurt me again Chance," I finish. 

"What are you saying?" His voice is weak and it cracks slightly. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. Tears well in my eyes and I swallow hard. 

"Goodbye Chance." I whisper lightly before ending the FaceTime. My tears fall then, spilling over my cheeks in a rush and I clutch my chest feeling as though my heart is physically breaking. It feels like someone is stabbing at my heart with a million tiny needles. I curl up in a tight ball and sob. My phone buzzes and Chance's name appears. I ignore it. On the tenth ring I get sick of it and throw my phone across the room, crying out in a fit of sadness and rage. I wipe at my eyes and force myself to get up and grab my phone. I need to be strong. I need to tell Sofia and Brenna. I unlock my phone to see that he texted me a bunch of times too, trying to apologize and tell me he loves me. I ignore the texts as well. I finally text Sofia and Brenna explaining what happened and they are at my door in a heartbeat with ice cream and tissues. They stay with me all night until I'm able to fall asleep out of pure exhaustion.


Two months pass and I'm still a mess. I've thrown myself into my music, trying to forget the pain I feel.

"You need to get back out there." I blink a few times and look up from my tea. Boo Boo is sitting across the table from me, giving me a gentle smile.

"I can't Boo. I miss him," I admit with a frown.

"And he hurt you. You'll never get over him or what he did if you don't get out there and date again," Boo Boo responds, squeezing my hand.

"I wish it were that easy," I grumble.

"It should be easy. Everybody wants a chance to date you Sky," Boo Boo says with a shrug, taking a sip of tea.

I raise an eyebrow and set my cup down. "Excuse me?"

Boo Boo laughs. "Oh come on! It's so obvious! Tom likes you, Mitchell likes you, Michael likes you. I'm pretty sure Brady likes you too."

"Okay well even if that's true, I would never date anyone from his band. I'd have to see him then. Tom and Mitch are great guys but they're like brothers to me."

"Okay so someone else then," Boo Boo shrugs.

"No, Boo. I don't want to date anyone right now. I'm not ready," I mumble with a pout.

Boo Boo sighs and nods, leaning forward to kiss my forehead. "Fair enough. Just think about it okay?"

I sigh and nod, giving him a weak smile. "Fine."

*sorry! I know this is short, but the other ones have been pretty long and i didn't want to add too much and spoil what comes next!*

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