What a Mess (Chapter 20)

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Sky's POV:

I hear the faint sound of beeping. I can smell something...really clean? My eyes slowly flutter open and I look around slightly. I see some wires and tubes hooked into my arm and I realize I'm in an uncomfortably hard bed.

"Sky? You're awake!" I hear someone say. I look to my left and slowly Chance comes into view.

I frown and close my eyes again. "What happened?" I ask, my voice hoarse.

"I think you passed out. You texted me saying you needed help and when I got to your dressing room, you were passed out," Chance explains, brushing some hair from my face gently.

"I didn't text you. I texted Michael." My eyes open again and I look around. "Where's Michael?"

"Sh, relax. He's picking up the awards you won," Chance assures.

I eye him in confusion. "Awards?"

He nods and smiles. "You won three Teen Choice Awards Sky. Best Female Artist, Best Collaboration, and Favorite Album."

"I did? That's so crazy," I mutter. "Why did I pass out?"

The doctor walks in then. "You're awake. That's good. Do you know your name?" He starts taking my pulse.

"Skylynn Heart."

"How old are you?"


"Good. Do you know why you are here?" The doctor asks, shining a light in my eyes. I shake my head and lick my dry lips slightly.

"Well, your friend here said he found you passed out. We ran some tests, and, did you know that you're pregnant?"

My eyes widen and I look at Chance and then back at the doctor. "What?"

"Michael's?" Chance whispers, clearly heartbroken.

"No, I-I, we haven't even..." I trail off in confusion.

The doctor looks between us for a moment. "This baby is about 7 months along now."

"That doesn't make any sense. We have a son who is 7 months old. How is that possible?" I ask in awe.

"It's possible that the two were meant to be twins. If your first baby grew quickly, he could have engulfed the other egg into his embryonic sac. When your baby was born, it freed up space for the other egg to reattached to the uteran wall and start growing," the doctor explains.

I look at Chance again, my mind spinning. "So, you're saying this baby was supposed to be our sons twin? Is it even possible for an egg to survive without being attached to the wall or growing?" Chance asks in confusion.

"It is very possible because the egg was feeding off the nutrients your son was getting," the doctor replies.

I shake my head and pinch the bridge of my nose. "This is crazy. I would be showing if I was pregnant for 7 months."

"If the egg is pressed farther back in your uterus, which it is, you wouldn't show until your ninth month of pregnancy. I know it's a lot to take in right now, and I'm sorry if you didn't plan for another baby, but that's what you are looking at right now. I'll give you guys some space," the doctor responds, walking out of the room.

I slowly look up at Chance who is staring at the edge of the bed with wide eyes. "I'll help you with this baby too. I won't abandon you," he says finally.

I sigh and close my eyes. "This just got really complicated."

I hear a knock on the door and look up to see Michael and the other boys peek their heads in. Kayte pushes past them and runs over to hug me tightly. "Are you okay?"

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