What a Mess (Chapter 5)

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Sky's POV:

My Dude <3: Hey babe! Want to come to the surprise party we are throwing Drew for his birthday tonight? I know it's last minute.

My Gal <3: I'm just now hearing about this becauseeeee....?? *sarcastic hair flip*

My Dude <3: Becauseeeeee I didn't know about it until last night and I didn't want to wake you up :)

My Gal <3: Awwww why are you so sweet? :D

My Dude <3: Only for you! Say you'll come!

My Gal <3: Of course I'll come, and Kayte won't have any problem seeing Brady.

My Dude <3: Perfect! See you tonight cutie!

My Gal <3: Have fun in the studio! See you later babe.

I toss my phone to the side and run my fingers through my hair, staring at my laptop screen.

"You are one step away! Click the submit button to submit your video now!"

I slide my finger over the ENTER button and hesitate.

What if I'm not good enough? What if Chance gets mad that I want to sing too?

I shake my head and take a deep breath before I finally hit the ENTER button and the words "Submitted, thanks for your video" appear on my screen.

I shut my laptop down and place it on it's charger before I stand up and walk downstairs to the kitchen to grab some coffee. I FaceTime Kayte on the way.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Her face pops up on my screen. I set my phone against the toaster and rummage through the cabinets for a mug while the Keurig heats up.

"There's a  surprise party for Drew tonight. Wanna go with me?" I ask. I place a k-cup in the Keurig and put my mug under it, waiting for it to brew.

"Is Brady going to be there?" She counters.

"Why wouldn't he be? It's his friend's birthday," I say, looking at her for a moment like she's crazy.

Kayte shrugs and unwraps the towel from her hair, revealing damp curls. "Yeah, I'll go. I just got out of the shower so give me some time to get ready."

I look at the clock. "It's 10 in the morning. I doubt the party is going to start soon. I'll text you when I'm on my way to pick you up."

"Okay, perfect! See ya sista!" Kayte hangs up and I laugh to myself, taking my steaming mug of coffee and sit down at the table.

I hear footsteps and look up when Coleen comes in, giving her a warm smile.

"Morning!" She chirps.

"Good morning." I take a slow sip of coffee. "Can I make you one?"

"No I'm okay thank you. What are you up to today?" Coleen asks, pulling some eggs out of the fridge.

"The boys are throwing Drew a surprise party tonight for his birthday and Chance invited me to go." I take another sip of coffee.

"Oh that's so nice of them. I hope you have fun!" She replies.

I smile a bit. "I'm sure I will. I'll tell Brady you say hi."

"I think Ryan is with him this week. I swear those two are two peas in a pod," Coleen responds while she starts making eggs.

"They really are. They have their moments when they fight though. I usually get to see that stuff," I say with a small smile, finishing off my coffee. I walk to the sink to wash my mug right away.

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