I Won't Part 2

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"Hello?" Mac answers her phone cautiously, not recognizing the number.

"Hi is this Mackenzie?" A female voice asks from the other end.

"This is. Who is this?" She asks.

"Hi, Mackenzie. This is Ellen Degeneres. I'm here with the boys from In Real Life," Ellen responds.

Mac gasps and slides her hand over her mouth. "Oh my god! Ellen?! I'm such a huge fan!"

Ellen laughs on the other end and Mac can hear the boys all laugh as well. "I'm calling because I was wondering if you would answer a few questions since you were in the boys' latest video."

"Oh my gosh! Yeah, of course I will! Hi guys!" Mac exclaims.

The boys chuckle and all say hey. "So, Mac. You played five different girls in this video. Is that correct?"

"Yeah. Since the idea behind the song is that this girl is crazy but they like her anyways, we thought it would be a cool idea to have one girl dress up in five different wigs and date them all, making her seem crazy in a never commits, but always expects the boys to come back type of way." Mac sits down on the couch in the boys' apartment. She's staying there while she waits for them to get back from recording Ellen's show.

"That's an interesting way of looking at it. And do you really kiss all of them, or is that like a theater technique where you tilt your head away from the camera?" Ellen asks.

Mac bites her lip. "No I actually kissed them all."

"Oh I'm sure the fans will be jealous of that!" Ellen teases. The boys all laugh and Mac can hear them defending their fans. She can't help but smile at how kind they are.

"Who was the best kisser?" Ellen asks, catching all of them off guard.

Mac coughs slightly and can feel herself blushing even though she's not on camera. "I, uh..."

She wants to say Chance of course, but she knows Ellen will make a joke about that and she wants to spare the humiliation it might cause him from being out on the spot. "They're all great kissers. I can't choose one or they will all tease me about it."

Ellen laughs. "Fair enough. I'll let you go now. Thanks for taking the time to answer some questions!"

"Thank you for calling! It made my day!" Mac cheers before hanging up.

About an hour later the boys all walk in talking about Ellen and how the rest of the show went. Michael smirks when he sees Mac sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone. "We're all great kissers huh?"

Mac rolls her eyes. "I didn't want her to tease me when I knew that is going to be on tv so I said the best thing I thought of to keep her off my back."

"Suuurrreee," Drew teases. Mac laughs and shakes her head, standing up to walk over to Chance. She goes to wrap her arms around him, but he shrugs away from her and walks upstairs. Mac looks back at the boys in confusion. They all shrug and look just as confused as she is. Mac quietly walks upstairs and finds Chance laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Babe? What's wrong?" She asks softly.

"Are you joking? You were being all flirty earlier when Ellen called you," Chance snaps.

Mac raises an eyebrow. "Uh, what?"

"That answer about the boys all being great kissers? I could hear the playfulness in your voice!" He grumbles.

Mac laughs. "You're messing with me right? I wasn't being flirty! I wanted to say you were the best kisser, but I knew Ellen would tease us about it and I didn't want you to feel humiliated on tv."

Chance snorts and sits up. "You mean you didn't want to be humiliated."

"Why would I be humiliated for saying my boyfriend is a good kisser?" Mac asks, her frustration starting to show.

"Because then you would have to admit that we are dating. But you don't want the other fans to get jealous! I just think you don't want the fans to call you out for only wanting my money!" Chance shouts.

Mac's mouth falls open and she stares at him incredulously. "Are you kidding? You're the one who hasn't made anything official Chance! I've told you countless times that I'm not here for your money! I have never once asked you for anything!"

She stands up, running her fingers through her hair. "Are you jealous that I kissed the other boys?"

Chance scoffs and shakes his head. "Of course not. Kiss whoever you want to kiss."

Mac can't believe what she's hearing. "You are not the guy I thought you were. You're jealous because I kissed the other boys for a video. You're pissed that we aren't official when you're the one hiding this relationship. I'm not going to sit here and let you accuse me of being here for your money. I'm done, Chance."

She turns and walks out of his room, heading down the stairs. She can hear quick footsteps behind her, but she doesn't turn back. The boys are all staring at her with wide eyes. They must have heard the whole thing.

"Mac!" Chance yells, grabbing her elbow. Mac yanks her arm back and spins around.

"What, Chance? You want to accuse me of cheating or something now?" She snaps.

Chance frowns. "I haven't made this official because I'm scared."

"Scared that I'm using you. Yes, we've been over this." Mac rolls her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"No. I'm scared of my feelings for you," Chance replies quickly.

"What?!" The boys and Mac all say simultaneously. 

Chance sighs and run his fingers through his hair. "The first time I met you, I was completely enthralled. I couldn't stop thinking about you. When I realized how kind and selfless you are, and saw how down to earth you are, I knew I really liked you. We've been seeing each other for only a few weeks, Mac, and I'm terrified."

"Terrified of what? Chance what are you saying? You're making no sense," Mac comments, turning to leave.

"I'm terrified because I thinking I'm falling in love with you!" Chance calls. The boys gasp and Mac's breath catches in her throat. Her legs lock in place and it's like she can't move.

"Did you hear me?" Chance asks.

Mac slowly turns around and looks up at him as he is now standing face to face with her. She nods a bit to answer his question.

"Well say something. Please. I did get jealous when you kissed the other boys. Not because I was assuming you were just using me but because I was scared I might lose you to one of them," Chance whispers.

Mac bites her lip harshly. "Chance..."

Chance frowns and looks down. "You don't feel the same. It's okay. You're too good for me anyways."

"I think I'm falling in love with you too, idiot."

Chance's head snaps up and his eyes are wide. "Y-you do?"

Mac nods and can't help but crack a smile. "How could I not be?"

Chance smiles, his hand brushing lightly along her cheek as he pulls her to him. He leans down, connecting his lips to hers in a soft, but passionate kiss.

"So does this mean you guys are staying together?" Brady asks, clearing his throat to break the uncomfortable feeling the boys have watching this all unfold.

Mac giggles as Chance pulls away to look at Brady like he has three heads.

"What? Just checking. I need my partner to kick all your asses at games!" He jokes and high-fives Mac.

"Way to ruin the moment," Chance grumbles while everyone else laughs.

"I'll take that as a yes."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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