Let's Make Up (Drew Imagine)

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*this is for livinmendes. I hope you enjoy!*

Drew and I are hosting a birthday party tonight for his mom. I'm rushing around the house, trying to clean everything up so it is spotless for the party.

"Drew! Can you please clean the living room? It needs to be dusted and vacuumed!" I call as you finish the upstairs bathroom and head to my bedroom.

"K!" I hear him yell back. I groan when I see what a disaster the bedroom is. There are extra pillows thrown on the floor and Drew has dirty laundry hanging over the chair in the corner, on the floor, and spilling out of the dresser.

"Drew I asked you to clean up your laundry yesterday!" I shout, but Drew doesn't reply. I sigh and grab the laundry basket, beginning to pick up the dirty laundry from the floor and the chair, tossing it all into the basket. I set the basket down then and make the bed, throwing the extra pillows on the top shelf of the closet to hide them. I shut the closet doors and start folding all of Drew's laundry that is hanging out of the dresser drawers, putting them neatly back into the drawers they belong in. I dust the two end tables, the desk, and the dresser and put away any miscellaneous items that don't need to be out.

As I head downstairs to get the vacuum, I'm not surprised to see Drew with his headphones on, playing World of Warcraft. I roll my eyes, fed up with him never helping out around the house. I walk over and stand right in front of the TV, right in his way.

"Babe, move. I'm trying to finish this level." Drew doesn't even look at me, leaning to the side of the couch to see around me.

I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow? "Really? I thought you were cleaning the living room? I asked like half an hour ago. Plus you didn't pick up the laundry like I asked last night."

Drew continues to push a bunch of buttons on his controller. "I'm going to after this level."

I laugh slightly, clearly annoyed and turn off the tv.

"Nayeli!" Drew cries, standing up as he pulls his headphones down around his neck. "Are you kidding me?!"

"You're joking right? We literally only have two hours before everyone is supposed to arrive for the party, and I still have to shower. I asked you to clean the living room and instead you are sitting here playing video games like you always do."

"I said I was going to do it after I finished that level! Do you know how hard I worked to get there?" Drew whines.

"Harder than you do when I ask you to do something," I snap.

Drew looks at me with wide eyes. "Seriously? You're seriously mad because I didn't get up to clean right away?"

"No, I'm mad because I asked you to clean up your laundry last night, and it still wasn't done this morning so I had to clean it up. I asked you to help me out by cleaning the living room because we are pressed for time, and you thought a video game was more important. This is your mom's party remember? Not mine. I would appreciate if you would actually help out around the house every once in a while," I explain.

"It's just a little bit of cleaning. Stop freaking out about nothing. It's not a big deal," Drew mumbles.

"Oh it isn't? How would you feel if you asked me to go get groceries and I just sat on my ass and watched Netflix?" I ask.

Drew rolls his eyes. "I would be upset because groceries are important and I asked you to do something."

"How is this any different? I asked you to do something and cleaning is important too. We can't live in a pig stye."

"If you're so keen on living in a clean house, then maybe you should live somewhere else," Drew states.

My mouth falls open and I look up at him in shock. "Drew, seriously? All I ask for is a little effort. It didn't have to be this big fight."

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