Loki X Reader (Chapter 1)

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"Loki... it's just a microwave" You giggled as Loki opened the microwave door.

You quickly slapped his hand closing the door, "I'm trying to warm up my tea thank you very much" you growled as Loki took a step back smiling innocently.

After a few moments you opened the microwave door again, grabbing your mug and sipping at your tea.

"So let's try this again.... What do you want and why are you here?" You asked getting rather annoyed, Loki looked around your house moving things around and picking things up looking at them curiously as you rolled you eyes sitting on the couch.

"Ello reindeer games? You didn't answer my question" You said putt your tea on the coffee table in front of you and crossing your arms.

Loki turned and looked at you, "please do not call me that mortal" Loki said a slight growl slipped out of his mouth, You stood growling at him, "This mortal has a name bud" You said looking at him not impressed.

"Oh I'm sorry, what is your name mortal?" Loki asked with a light chuckle.
You smack him in the back of the head as Loki quickly took a step back rubbing the back of his head trying to ease the pain.

"What is your name?" Loki asked groaning quietly.

"About time!" You growled as you took a deep breathe, "my name is ________" You muttered softly as you sat back on the couch sipping at your tea.

"What a unique name" Loki smirked as you looked at him and laughed.

"how is _______ a unique name, it's just a name Loki" You said as you grabbed the remote.
"Just to tell you, that was probably the most worst pick up line I have ever heard" You said turning on the T.V as Loki sighed, "it was not a pick up line..." Loki muttered as you looked at him, "oh really? That what was it?" You asked as Loki stared at you for a moment.

"well? Spit it out!" You said as Loki chuckled looking down, "okay fine it was a very bad pick up line" Loki smiled.

You laughed but smiled a bit, "did Thor put you up to this?" You asked as Loki shook his head, "no that was all me unfortunately" Loki muttered softly as you giggled standing up.
"I'm sure 'The Great God Of Mischief' could come up with a better pick up line than that" You said tripping over your own foot and spilling your tea all over Loki's suite.

"I'm so sorry" You said quickly grabbing a cloth and trying to whip the tea of his dress shirt as Loki suddenly grabbed your wrist.

"Oh no, you've stained it, I guess I have to take it off and wash it" Loki said plainly.
Loki untied his tie as he than took off his coat and dress shirt, Your cheeks go a Rosie red as you stare at him a moment than quickly look away.

Loki turns your head toward him, "do you have one of those Midgardian machines that washes clothes?" Loki asked as you nod you head almost in a daze, You quickly shake you head taking the stained clothes.

You quickly walk into the laundry room as you giggle cutely to yourself putting his clothes in the washer.

You stand there for a moment fixing your hair and your clothes as you take a deep breathe and walk out of the laundry room.

Suddenly you see Loki laying on the couch with the zipper of his pants open, he winks as you smirking as your face grows redder.

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