Loki X Reader (Chapter 68)

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"I don't want to love again Brucie... I'm sorry..." You muttered as tears slipped down your cheeks.

The Hulk growled at you angrily as he picked you up putting you back on the floor.

"Brucie... I'm sorry..." You muttered looking down sadly.

The Hulk stood roaring at you angrily.

More and more tears streamed down your cheeks as you looked up at The Hulk sadly, "It's not my fault I'm afraid to love again because I know I'm just going to end up getting hurt again..." You sobbed.

The Hulk sighed sadly but gently lifted your chin, "________  no cry" The Hulk said kissing your cheek.

You looked at The Hulk sadly, "Y-you don't know what I've gone through Brucie..." You sighed sadly.

The Hulk sighed as he slowly turned back to normal.

You grabbed a blanket wrapping it around Bruce.

"Tony... call Director Fury" You said sternly.

Tony peeked out from his bar and grabbed his cellphone.

Bruce pulled you down to him and pulled you toward him kissing you passionately.

You looked at Bruce surprised but pulled away shaking your head, "I'm sorry Bruce... I can't..." You muttered looking down.

"I'm not letting them hurt you" Bruce said sternly.

"Bruce! I have to do this! Loki's not coming back to me and I have too accept that!" You shouted.

Bruce sighed looking away from you.

Director Fury suddenly walked into the room, "So you've decided to come out from hiding" Director Fury smirked.

You nodded your head looking at Director Fury, "I have decided to let you make me into a weapon..." You muttered walking toward Director Fury.

"Well follow me than __________" Director Fury smirked.

You turned looking at Bruce and Tony, you didn't say a word as you sighed and followed Director Fury to a truck.

Director Fury and yourself got into the truck, the truck suddenly started heading toward S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ.

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