Loki X Reader (Chapter 7)

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A few hours later.

You awoke in your bed groaning in pain, you sat up wincing.

"Easy easy...." Loki said gently holding a wet cold cloth to the side of your head.

"What happened...?" You asked softly as Loki wrapped a blanket around you kissing you forehead.

"You um.... fell" Loki lied as he smiled innocently.

"Thor hit me didn't he?" You asked as Loki chuckled and nodded his head, "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, the Tesseract was just so fascinating.... i-it spoke to me..." You muttered softly.

Loki looked at you as if you were crazy, "okay now your scaring me a bit" Loki chuckled.
"No really it did" You said crossing your arms as you removed the cloth from your head sighing.

You carefully got up but Loki made you sit down again, "I want you to stay in bed for a few days" Loki said.

"What no... I have things to do..." You said as you sighed.
"Really, and what exactly do you have to do?" Loki asked crossing his arms and looking at you, his bright emerald green eyes sparkling.

You just couldn't lie to those piercing emerald green eyes as you sighed looking down, "I have nothing to do okay.... I'm all alone and have no family, no job... no nothing okay" You pulled your kneed to your chest trying to hold back the tears that were beginning to build.

Loki looked at you curiously but gently lifted your chin and kissed you forehead.
"Your not all alone darling, because I'm here with you and will always protect you no matter what it takes" Loki said.

You looked at Loki surprised at his very words as you blushed and smiled a bit.

"Now I have to go out for a bit.... but I promise I will be back by tonight" Loki said as he got up sighing, "Now when I come back I don't want to see you walking around, I want to see you resting in bed" Loki said as he than left.

You sat on the bed staring at the now closed door as you sighed sadly.

Later that night.

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