Loki X Reader (Chapter 47)

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"Loki...?" You asked softly gently pulling away from Loki and walking back and fourth looking at Loki worried.

"Yes darling?" Loki asked stopping you.

"Why did you let Dr. Fury take me...?" You asked.

"I-I... I didn't want them to end up taking you by force and than they end up not letting me see you..." Loki said.

"Loki... they plan on turning me into a weapon... I don't know what to do..." You muttered softly looking down.

Loki gently lifted your chin, "I know this may be a stupid idea but..." Loki looked around the room than looked back at you, Loki smiled and cupped your cheeks, "We could always run away together and just act like normal humans" Loki said kissing your forehead.

"Loki... they would find us though..." You muttered.

"We'll have to go somewhere where they would never think of going..." Loki said, "What places do you have in mind...?" Loki asked.

"I've always wanted to maybe... to visit London, England... so maybe we could live there" You smiled.

Loki smiled happily, "Well let's go than..." Loki said.

You gently pulled away from him, "Can I at least say goodbye to my friends...?" You asked softly.

"But they could end up following us... or they could even tell Dr. Fury" Loki looked at you worried.

"The only person who wouldn't would be Dr. Banner... he's one of my closest friends and could probably give us some tips on hiding... I still have no idea how he could hide a big green beast so well" You muttered softly.

You grabbed Loki's hand as you both ran downstairs roaming the hallways trying to find The Hulk.

You both suddenly heard a load roar and turned around seeing The Hulk standing feet away from you.

"Hulkie! Do you know the way out...?" You asked.

The Hulk nodded his head as you and Loki followed The Hulk out of the building.

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