Loki X Reader (Chapter 73)

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6 months later

You still had not given birth, Both Loki and Odin were getting very worried, you usually spent your days in bed, will actually Loki never let you leave bed because he always wanted you to rest.

But one day, you slowly got out of bed sighing sadly as Loki was sitting in a chair reading, Loki quickly put his book down walking over to you.

"Please darling lay down..." Loki begged.

"Loki I'm fine..." You muttered softly looking at your stomach in the mirror, tears began streaming down your cheeks.

Loki wrapped his arms around you and put your hand on his on your stomach, Loki turned to Jotun form.

"Loki... it's not working anymore... the child hasn't kicked in months..." You looked down sadly.

"The child is still alive.... it's just quiet..." Loki muttered, "Look I know it's hard sometimes... but don't worry darling... everything will be okay..." Loki said.

"I'm afraid though Loki..." You muttered walking into the bathroom.

Moments later you walked out of the bathroom panting and holding your stomach.

"L-Loki..." You winced looking extremely panicked.

Loki turned looking at you worried.

"I-I..I-I think my water just broke..." You muttered holding your stomach, "I think that baby's coming Loki..." You muttered softly.

Loki quickly ran to you helping you over to the bed, Loki called for Odin and Thor as loud as he could.

You lay down in the bed panting heavily, you grasped Loki's hand tightly.

Odin, Thor and Frigga ran into the room.

"The Baby's coming!" Loki said looking at Odin worried.

Frigga quickly ran to your side grasping your hand, "Listen to my voice honey, okay?" Frigga smiled at you sweetly.

You nodded your head gasping in pain.

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