Loki X Reader (Chapter 58)

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The next morning

You awoke to a lovely smell of tea and breakfast as you slowly sat up seeing Loki with a tray of tea and a plate of bacon, eggs and toast, Loki had a small rose on the tray as well as he smiled at you and gently put the tray on your lap.

"Breakfast in bed darling" Loki kissed your cheek.

"You cooked?" You looked at Loki surprised.

Loki nodded his head and smiled, "Yes I did cook, in our new kitchen..." Loki smiled as he handed you a fork and knife., "Please eat" Loki smiled.

You smiled and ended up scarfing your breakfast down and chugging your tea in a matter of a few seconds.

Loki looked at you surprised, "Uh... did you like it?" Loki asked.

You nodded your head and smiled as you got up walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge taking out some chocolate.

"Darling...?" Loki asked.

"Yes..?" You asked curiously as you peeked out from behind the refrigerator door, chocolate was smeared all over your mouth.

Loki laughed but smiled at you lovingly as he grabbed a cloth and wiped the chocolate from your mouth, "You shouldn't be eating chocolate right after your breakfast darling..." Loki said kissing your cheek and taking the chocolate from you.

You pouted cutely at Loki, "Please... can I have it back..." You begged.

Loki shook his head putting the chocolate bar in the fridge.

You growled at Loki and ran to the cupboard opening it and grabbing a bag of chips, you smirked opening the bag of chips and eating some.

"Hey!" Loki grabbed the bag of chips, "Stop that!" Loki growled.

You pouted and sighed crossing your arms and walking into the living room sitting on the couch and turning on the T.V.

"If you want I can make you a proper meal instead of you pigging out on junk food!" Loki said sternly as he walked over to you and sat beside you, Loki kissed you passionately.

You quickly pushed Loki away and covered your mouth running to the bathroom as fast as you could.

"What..? To much tongue action..." Loki sighed as he got up slowly walking toward the bathroom, Loki suddenly heard you violently throwing up in the toilet, Loki walked into the bathroom and moved your hair out of the way and gently rubbed your back.

You continued to throw up violently.

"Oh darling..." Loki looked at you worried.

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