Loki X Reader (Chapter 21)

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Both You and Loki appeared in Asgard as Loki smiled, "Go to the All-father and say that Thor sent you, also say that Thor sent you because the legend might be true..." Loki said as he suddenly disappeared.

"Wait... Loki...?" You muttered looking slightly confused, You sighed and slowly walked around the Asgardian Kingdom, You walked up to an Asgardian guard.

"Hault!" The guard growled.

"The Mighty Thor has sent me here to see the great All-father" You said.

The guard nodded his head and led you to the All-fathers chambers, "Excuse me a moment young lady, I must talk to the All-father first" The guard bowed walking into the All-fathers room and closing the door behind him.

A few moments later

The guard opened the door, "The All-father shall see you now" The guard said as he bowed and walked away.

You nodded your head walking into the All-fathers room looking a bit nervous.

The great All-father Odin turned around looking at you curiously.

You bowed, "My good friend Thor sent me, he sent me here because well... he said something about a legend that might be true..." You said.

Odin slowly walked toward you as he chuckled and smiled.

"You may rise my dear" Odin said.

You stood up straight but was scared to look at Odin's face.

"You do not have to be afraid of me my dear, I will not hurt you" Odin said as he gently lifted your chin and smiled at you warmly.

"I am not afraid of you All-father, just nervous" You smiled back.

Odin chuckled, "So about this Legend my dear, what did my son say about it?" Odin asked.

"He sent me because apparently no human being can hold the Tesseract, but I can.... and I'm human..." You said.

"What has The Cube told you?!" Odin asked glaring at you.

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