Loki X Reader (Chapter 89)

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Once you and Loki got back to Stark Tower

Loki walked into the bathroom looking in the mirror, Loki jumped back as he ran out of the bathroom staring at you.

You sat on the bed looking at Loki curiously.

"You healed me, didn't you?!" Loki shouted.

You crossed your arms shaking your head, "No I didn't..." You muttered softly.

"Yes you did! Wait... how did you do that?" Loki asked walking up to you.

"I don't know..." You muttered.

"Ah so you did heal me!" Loki smirked.

"Fine I did" You giggled and smiled, "Besides even if I did heal you I have no idea how I did it... I just hated seeing you hurt and well... the bruises just disappeared..." You muttered softly.

Loki gently pushed you down on the bed climbing on top of you, "Well thank you for healing me darlings..." Loki whispered to you as he kissed your forehead.

"Your welcome..." You blushed.

"Your so beautiful..." Loki smiled gently moving your hair out of your face.

You blushed even more and giggled cutely, "Why thank you my handsome prince" You smiled wrapping your arms around Loki's neck kissing him passionately.

"I love it when you call me prince" Loki blushed a bit.

"Well if you want I can always call you my king" You smiled.

Loki blushed even more, "No... you don't have to call me that..." Loki muttered softly.
"Why not my king?" You asked smiling cutely at Loki and playing with his hair.

Loki went completely red as he looked down, "That's kind of turning me on..." Loki muttered softly as he chuckled.

You went red as well, "Oh..." You muttered softly.

"You know... I never thought that I would find such a wonderful girl like you... I never actually thought that I would marry anyone... barbecue well... I didn't think I was good enough for anyone..." Loki sighed.

You looked at Loki pulling him closer toward you, "I never thought I'd meet The God Of Mischief and falling and love and marrying him but yet I am here... with you now... loving every single moment here with you" You smiled happily kissing Loki passionately.

Loki smiled happily kissing back a bit as he lovingly grasped your hand gently rested his head on your chest.

You smiled and gently stroked Loki's hair when you heard your baby girl scream and begin to cry.

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