Loki X Reader (Chapter 41)

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When you walked into the living room, The Avengers were in there fighting positions glaring at you angrily.

"What are you guys doing...?" You asked curiously.

"Were supposed to fight you!" Black Widow growled at you.

"What...? Why...?" You asked softly looking at Nick Fury curiously.

The Avengers continued to glare at you, "Because your now the Tesseract!" Captain America said, "And you'll end up killing us all and destroying the world!" Black Widow growled as she walked up to you punching you.

You grabbed The Black Widow's wrist before she could even hit you, "I am not going to fight my friends..." You muttered.

The Black widow growled and pulled away from you.

"I saw was you did ________, you rebuilt your house as if by magic, a regular human can't do that!" Tony shouted.

"Were taking you back to S.H.I.E.L.D HQ" Captain America and Hawkeye grabbed you.
"Why...?" You asked.

"You are the Tesseract! Therefore we need to do some tests! Experiments!" Nick Fury said putting his hands behind his back and slowly walking toward you.

"Maybe we should let her explain first..." Bruce said straightening his glasses.

Captain America and Hawkeye easily picked you up and sat you on the couch, The Avengers stared at you, "Explain!" They shouted.

You jumped a bit, "Okay... okay... jesh..." You muttered softly.

Bruce rolled his eyes, "well give her some space, sit down guys" Bruce said.
The Avengers sat down around you.

Loki walked downstairs, "______?" Loki asked walking into the living room.

"What the hell is he doing here!?" Captain America asked, "Please don't tell me that your working with reindeer games" Tony begged.

You giggled and got up kissing Loki's cheek and lovingly grasping Loki's hand, "This is my new husband..." You muttered softly.

"WHAT?!" All the Avengers shouted looking at you devastated.

Loki chuckled and hugged you gently.

"Loki's good now... it's King Laufey who is the bad guy" You said rolling your eyes.
"Loki... good? Yeah right!" Tony laughed.

"Hey isn't King Laufey Loki's Father?" Captain America asked putting his shield on the floor beside him.

You nodded your head, "Yes but that doesn't mean Loki is working with him or that he's evil!" You growled.

"He almost destroyed New York and tried to take over the world! That doesn't sound evil to you!?" Tony asked laughing at you.

"He promised me he would stop all this chaos because he loves me..." You looked down.
"Loki! Fall in love with a small town girl, a Norse Mythology nerd and a girl who still doesn't remember her multiplication or division!? Come on _______! Get real!" Tony said.

"You don't know your multiplication or division?" Bruce looked at you and smiled.

"Oh that's not were talking about Brucey!" You crossed your arms.

"Why can't you guys just give Loki a change...?" You asked walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge but slamming it and growling angrily.

"Where is my left over Coffee and Pop-Tarts!" You shouted angrily walking into the living room.

Thor was standing in front of you with Pop-Tart crumbs on his mouth and an empty Coffee cup in his hand, "Hello..." He mumbled smiling innocently.

You face-palmed and sighed.

Thor swallowed, "I'm sorry, I promise I'll buy you more sister" Thor smiled.

"W-wow... wow... wow... did you just call me sister?" You asked Thor disproving of his words.

"Well you are to marry my brother... and your engaged, so your going to be my step-sister, sister" Thor smiled kissing your cheek.

You gently wiped the Pop-Tart crumbs from your cheek as you berried your head into Loki's chest groaning in annoyance.

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