Loki X Reader (Chapter 54)

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A few hours later

You and Loki arrived at the apartment as you opened the door walking in, you suddenly saw Bruce Banner sitting on your couch smiling at you.

"Bruce?" You asked looking at Bruce surprised.

"Hello" Bruce smiled standing up and walking toward you.

"H-How did you find us Brucie..?" You asked looking at Loki than back to Bruce still looking surprised.

"We don't need to talk about that right now" Bruce said sternly, "What we need to focus on is why you didn't call we the second you got to England" Bruce chuckled as he gently hugged you and kissed your cheek.

You blushed and giggled, "I'm sorry... I just couldn't wait to take Loki here clothes shopping" You giggled.

Bruce chuckled, "That's okay hun" Bruce smiled, "So uh... Here are your fake ID's, ________ here is your fake driving license... I also bought you a new car" Bruce smiled.

You gasped and smiled at Bruce happily, you hugged Bruce tightly kissing his cheek.

Bruce chuckled, "Let's not get to excited..." Bruce sighed taking a step back.

You looked at Bruce and smiled, "I just wanted to say thank you, thank you so much" You smiled sweetly.

Bruce nodded his head, "Well uh... I should probably get back to New York, promise me you'll call me every once in a while and update me?" Bruce smiled.

"Yes I promise" You giggled as both you and Bruce pinky-promised.

Bruce walked out of the apartment and waved goodbye.

Loki closed the door and locked it, "So what's your fake name?" Loki asked.

You looked at you ID, "___________ ___________" You smiled and put your ID and drivers license in your purse, "What's yours?" You asked.

Loki looked at his ID and looked down seeming embarrassed, "Adam Hayes..." Loki muttered softly.

You smiled walking up to Loki and kissing his cheek, "I like it... Adam..." You giggled.
Loki smiled and blushed a bit.

"So.... about your hair...?" You looked at Loki gently stroking his hair.

"I can't cut my hair!" Loki quickly took a few steps back.

"Loki... we cut your hair... or get caught?" You said crossing your arms and giving Loki a bit of a glare.

Loki sighed looking down.

"I promise not to mess up okay" You said smiling for Loki and kissing his cheek.

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