Loki X Reader (Chapter 69)

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Once you arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D HQ, Director Fury led you into a lab along with a few nurses and doctors.

"It might take a while for us to extract your power, but for now we must run a few more tests on you" Director Fury said.

You nodded your head and followed some nurses into a room, you were asked to strip down to your bra and under where than asked to lay on a metallic table.

"We are going to put you asleep for these tests..." The nurse said.

"I'd rather be awake for all the tests" You muttered.

The nurse nodded her head as she hooked you up to a heart monitor and I.V, The nurse than took a needle a took some blood samples.

A doctor approached a nurse and whispered something in the nurses ear before walking away.

"Were going to put you in our um... special scanner..." The nurse said as she unhooked you from the I.V and heart monitor.

She let you into another room with a clear tube like machine.

The nurse opened the hatch, "Climb in dear" The nurse said as you did climbing through the small hatch.

The nurse opened the catch and walked up to a control panel.

You lay down looking around curiously.

The nurse locked the hatch door with a press of a button as she than left the room.

You sighed closing your eyes, you eventually fell sound asleep.

A few hours had passed as you slowly opened your eyes.

You gasped seeing Loki standing outside the clear tube staring at you, you sat up turning away from you sighing sadly.

"So decide to turn to this?" Loki asked.

You didn't say a word.

"I assume you would try and kill yourself or just drown yourself in tears" Loki chuckled.

"Why are you even here?" You asked still not looking at Loki.

Loki was silent a moment and looked down, "I wanted to see how you were doing" Loki said looking up at you.

"Why would you care? You hate me..." You muttered softly.

"I don't hate you..." Loki muttered.

"Well you certainly acted like it when you yelled at me..." You muttered softly looking down sadly.

Loki sighed, "Look...."

You growled, "Look... how about you leave me alone..." you sighed sadly.

"As you wish darling..." Loki sighed, "I love you... I always will... and I am deeply, deeply sorry..." Loki muttered walking  away.

You heard Loki's words as tears streamed down your cheeks.

"Loki..." You muttered softly trying your best to hold back your tears.

Loki stopped turning his head slightly.

"I love you too... I always will, forever, until the end of time it self... but I know we can never be together..." You muttered softly.

Loki suddenly appeared beside you, you gasped backing away.

"We can be together darling... I'm sorry..." Loki muttered.

"No... your bloody crazy! One moment you love me and the next moment your yelling at me and you hate me!" You shouted.

Loki suddenly pinned you, "I got angry because your were freaking out! I just a little overwhelmed darling... I'm so, so sorry..." Loki muttered.

You tried to push Loki off of you.

Loki sighed backing away.

"I understand that your upset... but you not care about I feel?" Loki asked.

"I do Loki but this is... this all to much..." Tears began streaming down your cheeks, "Loki... I can't handle all this anymore... I just want it to end... And this is what I turned to..." You muttered softly.

"And that's kill yourself and killing our child?" Loki looked at you hurt.

"If you won't let me have you at least me our child..." Loki begged.

"Loki..." You sighed sadly.

"Please I can't see you die like this darling, or the child.... please" Loki begged as tears began streaming down his cheeks.

"You have to grasp the point that it's over Loki..." You muttered.

"So that's it! You just want us to end! Your going to let Midgardians kill our child! Our child!" Loki cried.

You flinched and quickly looked away from Loki.

"I will not let the women I love die in front of me! I will not let my child die in front of me!" Loki shouted as he pinned you kissing you passionately.

"Loki..." Tears kept steaming down your cheeks as you couldn't help but kiss back a bit.

Loki took off his shirt as he continued kissing you passionately.

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