Loki X Reader (Chapter 94)

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Thor suddenly appeared with Bruce as Mikayla stood up running to Bruce but tripped, falling into his arms, Mikayla hugged him tightly, Mikayla sobbed into Bruce's chest not wanting to ever let go of him.

"Shh... it's okay hon..." Bruce whispered to Mikayla kissing her forehead.

"You took her from me!" You shouted pulling Mikayla away from Bruce and slapping him.

"Darling don't make him angry..." Loki pulled you and Mikayla away from Bruce.

Mikayla screamed pushing you and Loki away as she ran up to Bruce again hugging him tightly, "Brucie..." Mikayla sniffled.

Bruce sighed looking down, "Fine... take her..." Bruce pushed Mikayla toward you and Loki.

Mikayla looked down sadly as more and more tears streamed down her cheeks.

Loki looked at Mikayla curiously as he walked up to her kneeling down in front of her, "Please don't cry sweetie..." Loki begged.

Mikayla screamed at Loki punching him.

Bruce grabbed Mikayla, "Don't you ever slap your father again" Bruce said sternly.

Mikayla nodded his head looking down sadly, "S-Sorry B-Brucie..." Mikayla muttered softly, her eyes were now beat red and hear cheeks were soaked with tears.

"You brat!" Loki shouted wiping the blood from his lip.

"Loki! She's our daughter! You know she didn't mean it!" You cried pulling Loki toward you.

"These are your parents; they must take care of you! Not me, no go!" Bruce pushed Mikayla toward Loki and you.

Mikayla looked at Bruce hurt.

"Take me back to earth please..." Bruce begged looking at Thor, tears clouded in his eyes as he looked down.

Thor looked at Bruce than at Mikayla.

"Take me back now!" Bruce shouted angrily as he winced, his eyes turned a tinge of green, "Please... take me somewhere where I can't hurt anyone..." Bruce begged falling to his knees.

Loki looked at you worried, "Try and calm him down..." Loki said.

"I can't... he will just get angrier at me..." You sighed sadly.

Mikayla walked over to Bruce as she kneeled down in front of him gently lifting his head and kissing his cheek, Mikayla hugged Bruce tightly, "M-Mikayla l-love B-Brucie..." Mikayla muttered softly, Mikayla was about to kiss Bruce on the lips when Bruce pushed her away.

"No! Get away from me!" Bruce shouted angrily.

"B-Brucie..." Mikayla crawled back over to Bruce hugging him tightly, Mikayla wouldn't let go of Bruce as she gently stroked his hair, "Brucie no go..." Mikayla begged.

Bruce hugged Mikayla tightly as his skin turned a bright green.

"Mikayla no!" Loki looked extremely worried.

Mikayla continued to gently stroke Bruce's hair as she kissed his cheek than put her forehead to Bruce's looking deeply into his eyes.

Bruce looked deeply into Mikayla's eyes as he winced squeezing Mikayla tighter.

Mikayla made sure Bruce kept looking at her as she blew on Bruce's face, ice cold air blew onto Bruce's face as he fainted.

Mikayla held Bruce closed as she smiled about to kiss Bruce but Loki grabbed her pulling her away.

"No, he doesn't love you like that darling..." Loki said.

Mikayla looked down sadly as she didn't say anything.

"Come on darling...” Loki brought Mikayla to his room where he gently picked her up and sat her on the bed.

You walked up to Mikayla smiling at her warmly, "Please speak up my sweetie" You begged.

"She probably doesn't know how to speak English so we should probably teach her...." Loki said.

"Okay... well let's teach her than..." You pulled Loki toward you.

Both you and Loki sat on the bed looking at Mikayla.

Mikayla didn't say a word as she just looked down fiddling with her fingers, tears streamed down her cheeks as she let out a sigh.

"She's not going to let it go now..." Loki sighed.

"Let go of what?" You asked looking at Loki than at Mikayla.

"She loves Bruce, can't you tell?" Loki said, "But for the last time darling! Suck it up! He doesn't love you like that!" Loki shouted.

"Loki stop..." You begged lovingly grasping Loki's hand, "Please no more yelling at her... she's clearly upset Loki..." You said.

Loki sighed and nodded his head.

"Sweetie, daddy didn't mean to yell at you..." You muttered softly.

Mikayla didn't say anything.

"Darling, I'm sorry..." Loki kissed Mikayla's forehead.

You sighed knowing Mikayla wasn't going to talk unless Bruce was with her, "Loki... bring Bruce here... maybe she'll talk when he's around..." You said.

Loki sighed and nodded his head as he got up leaving the room.

Moments later

Loki and Bruce walked into the room; Bruce looked around never thinking he would actually get to go to Asgard.

Bruce walked over to Mikayla as he sat on the bed wrapping his arms around Mikayla's waist pulling her close.

Loki sat back on the bed, "I assume you at least know how to say hello..." Loki said.
"Come on hon, say hello to your mommy and daddy..." Bruce smiled.

Mikayla just remained silent.

"What did you do to her?" Loki let out a slight growl.

"Loki... he brought our daughter back, stop being such a jerk... be glad our daughter is back" You begged kissing Loki's cheek.

Mikayla still didn't say anything.

"Hon?" Bruce asked gently running his fingers through Mikayla's hair, Bruce kissed Mikayla's cheek, "Come on hon, show mommy and daddy what I taught you..." Bruce whispered to Mikayla.

Mikayla still didn't say anything as she just looked at you and Loki nervously, Mikayla played with her pentacle necklace.

"Did you give that to her?" Loki asked Bruce.

Bruce nodded his head, "It symbolizes protection... I want her to know that's she's always safe..." Bruce said, "Now come on hon… show them what I taught you" Bruce smiled at Mikayla.

Mikayla sighed, "Eyes..." Mikayla pointed at her eyes, "Nose..." Mikayla pointed to her nose, "Mouth..." Mikayla pointed to her mouth than looked down.

You smiled happily looking at Loki.

Loki didn't seem amused nor did he look happy.

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