Loki X Reader (Chapter 50) [London, England]

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Both You and Loki appeared in a small apartment in London England, you and Loki put your luggage down as you smiled at Loki happily.

"Our first apartment" You smiled.

Loki smiled looking around as he turned and looked at you, he gently turned your head toward his, both your eyes met as Loki kissed you passionately.

"Come on... let's go unpack..." You picked your luggage up carrying it into the bedroom.

Loki chuckled and grabbed his luggage as well following you.

You put one of your suitcases on the large king bed and opened it, "We each have our own closets and own shelves we can put our belongings on... and later today... or tomorrow we can go clothes shopping for you" You smiled.

"I can't wait to go shopping" Loki smiled happily.

You laughed at the happy look on Loki's face as you unpacked your regular day clothes and hanging them up.

You than took a picture frame out of your suitcase, it was a picture of you in The Avengers all getting along together as you smiled and placed it on your shelf.

Loki than opened his suitcase as he pulled out a picture frame as well but it was a picture of him when he was a baby, Loki chuckled and placed it on the shelf, Loki pulled out another picture frame but it was him and Thor, Loki sighed.

"Loki...? Are you okay?" You asked looking at Loki concerned.

"Yes... fine darling" Loki smiled for you as he place the picture frame on the shelf sighing.

You looked at Loki curiously.

Loki was about to snap his fingers as you quickly grabbed his hand, "No poofing your way out of stuff anymore..." You said strictly, "were humans remember... just regular humans" You smiled kissing Loki's cheek.

Loki pouted and sighed nodding his head, "okay..." Loki muttered.

You walked back over to your suitcases giggling cutely as you pulled out your Avengers action figures putting them on your shelf along with your sonic screwdriver and other doctor who action figures.

Loki tried his best not to laugh as he saw you pull out some large books, "What are those...?" Loki asked.

You smiled happily, "My Harry Potter books..." You muttered softly and placed them on your shelf.

"What's Harry Potter...?" Loki asked.

You gasped covering your mouth and putting your hands to your chest as if you were having a heart attack, "I don't know you anymore..." You looked at Loki surprised.
Loki looked at you worried, "are you okay?" Loki asked.

You laughed, "I'm just being my nerdy self... that's all... Oh and I'm forcing you to watch all the Harry Potter movies and every single Doctor Who Episode out there..." You said pulling out your wand from your suitcase and gently patting Loki's chest.

Loki looked at you strangely but chuckled looking a bit scared of your wand.

"Right... back to packing..." Loki muttered as he quickly walked back over to his suitcase.

Loki snapped his fingers as his golden helmet appeared in his hands, Loki smiled and placed in on his shelf, Loki than took his battle suit out of his suitcase walking into his closet and putting it in a drawer sighing.

You smiled a bit and pulled out the dress you wore to the ceremony in Asgard, you walked into your closet placing it in a drawer as you walked back out of your closet.

"So...? Do you wanna go shopping after we unpack...?" You asked Loki as you saw him hang up some paintings of you and landscapes on the wall.

"Sure darling" Loki smiled at you as he snapped his fingers, suddenly a little panting workshop appeared in the corner of the bedroom, "sorry darling... I need my panting space" Loki smiled innocently.

"Fine... I'll let that one go.." You smiled and kissed Loki's cheek.

"What is your favorite thing to do with your free time darling?" Loki asked looking at you curiously.

"Read, write, doodle, paint... that's about it really" You smiled sweetly.

"Come on... tell me..." Loki smiled.

You looked down shyly, "I like to make music... play instruments... sing... you know... stuff like that..." You muttered softly.

Loki smiled at you and walked over to you.

"That's why I bought an apartment with a music room..." You smiled shyly.

"Promise you'll sing to me one time..." Loki smiled gently moving your hair out of your face, "I'm sure you have an angelic beautiful voice..." Loki smirked.

You blushed, "Nah... I couldn't..." You muttered shyly.

"Come on... please" Loki pouted.

"Fine... but not today... maybe another day... but now... let's take you clothes shopping" You smiled grabbing Loki's arm and grabbing your purse walking out the door with Loki, You locked the door of yours and Loki's apartment.

"Come on..." You smiled leading Loki out of the apartment building.

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