Loki X Reader (Chapter 38)

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You than gently pulled away from Loki looking at him curiously, "Where's Thor...? Did you see if he was okay...?" You asked looking at Loki worried.

"Don't worry... he's fine..." Loki muttered.

You nodded your head, "I just hope he doesn't get mad at me... I didn't mean to hurt him..." You muttered.

Loki kissed your cheek, "Don't worry... he won't get mad..." Loki said.

"Okay..." You smiled for Loki kissing his cheek, "Do you mind if I go talk to Odin for a bit... I just need to ask him a few questions..." You muttered.

"No go ahead darling..." Loki smiled.

You smiled back and walked out of the room heading towards Odin's chambers.

Suddenly out of no where Thor grabbed you pulling you behind a curtain.

"Thor!" You screamed.

Thor quickly covered your mouth, "shhh... please don't scream..." Thor begged as you tried to break free but Thor grabbed you holding you down.

"Don't even try..." Thor growled.

You looked at Thor growling angrily as you kicked him in the place where it hurt most.

Thor let go of you moaning in pain, "I-I was just trying to say sorry for everything..." Thor groaned.

"W-What...?" You looked at Thor surprised.

"I just wanted to say I was sorry for everything I did... you didn't have to kick me so hard..." Thor groaned.

You helped Thor up, "Oh... sorry... I didn't mean to kick you... I thought you were angry with me..." You muttered smiling innocently.

"It's fine..." Thor smiled for you.

You kissed Thor's cheek, "Oh... The Avengers want to see you right away... they say it's urgent... they said they were waiting at your house or something..." Thor muttered.

"Oh well than... could you tell Loki I'll be gone for a bit...?" You asked Thor.

"Why of course..." Thor smiled and walked away.

You smiled but thought to yourself for a moment wondering how you were to get back home, "Um... home..." You muttered closing your eyes, "Oh come on... like that's gonna work..." You muttered softly.

You gasped and suddenly disappeared.

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