Loki X Reader (Chapter 3)

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The next morning.

You awoke finding Loki's arms tightly wrapped around your waist, you yawned rubbing your eyes tiredly just thinking your mind was playing tricks on you.

Suddenly you heard Loki mutter in his sleep as you squeaked quickly pulling away from Loki's grasp but you both ended up off the bed, Loki fell on top of you.

"What the hell are you bloody doing here!?" You shouted angrily as Loki smiled innocently but yawned.

You slapped Loki growling, "I said what are you bloody to here?!" you shouted once more.
Loki chuckled but rubbed his eyes yawning again, "you seemed lonely... so I wanted to keep you company" Loki muttered softly as you quickly pushed him off of you quickly getting up off the floor.

"Get out!" You shouted pulling him up off the floor pushing him out of the room.
Loki grabbed you arms putting them down.

"You realize that's breaking into my house and assault!" You shouted.

Loki rolled his eyes laughing, "technically it is breaking in but laying with you in bed and keeping you company is not assault... I would have to hit you or beat you..." Loki said as he released your arms.

"Trust me I think the police would believe a poor innocent girl that's piratically naked in her room with a stranger in her house!" You shouted slapping him as Loki grabbed you pinning you against the wall.

"You really think I'm afraid of the Police?" Loki asked smirking as you tried to push him away but he was a God, he was far more stronger than you.

But than you smirked kicking him in the place where it hurt most (a.k.a in the balls) as Loki fell to the floor moaning.

You ran downstairs as fast as you could running to the phone.

"Bloody hell... you didn't have to kick me there..." Loki groaned as he held his crouch in pain but took a few deep breathes getting up and walking upstairs.

You quickly picked up the phone and began dialing Tony's number, "come on! come on Tony! Please pick up!" You begged as Tony's answering machine came on.

You growled angrily as you decided to call 911, but right as you were about to punch the last number in, Loki grabbed you covering your mouth and dragging you away from the phone.

You bite his hand as Loki cried out in pain, Loki released you as you ran for the phone but Loki grabbed your ankles making you fall on your stomach, Loki dragged you away from the phone as you tried to break free but he dragged you toward him.

"Loki let me go!" You screamed as Loki growled wrapping his arms around you holding you close.

"Shut up!" Loki growled angrily as you suddenly realized Loki's hand was bleeding.

You went silent as you sighed ripping a piece of Loki's shirt off and wrapped up his hand, "next time don't grab me and I won't have to bite you" You said as Loki chuckled.

"Next time don't run and I won't have to grab you" Loki said as you blushed and kissed his cheek.

"oh shush..." You said as Loki gently lifted you chin, both yours eyes met, you almost got lost in Loki's bright beautiful misty emerald green eyes that ever looked so sad.
You quickly looked down, your cheeks going red.

"_______?" Loki asked as you looked up at him, "oh please just leave..." You begged as Loki gently put your hand against his chest.

Loki looked deeply into your eyes as you just stared at him as if in a daze, Loki leaned in and kissed you passionately as you kissed back a bit, Loki slowly pulled away as his pale cheeks turned a light pink.

"Oh um... I don't um... mean to um... bother you but, ______ ..... Tony and Bruce wants to see you" Thor said standing just feet away from you.

You and Loki both smiled innocently as you quickly pulled away from each other.

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