Loki X Reader (Chapter 74)

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Hours had passed and You had given birth to a beautiful baby girl, You ended up naming your girl ________.

Loki was holding his baby girl who still hadn't opened her eyes, Loki gently rocked her and kissed her forehead, Loki turned into Jotun form as he smiled at his beautiful baby girl.

The Baby girl opened her eyes, they went from a bright red to a bright emerald green as she giggled cutely at Loki.

You smiled happily but felt as if you were about to drift off.

Thor smiled grasping your hand, "Congratulations hunny" Thor smiled kissing your cheek.

You smiled looking at Loki, "May I hold her?" You asked.

Odin looked at Loki shaking his head slightly.

"I have to go clean her up and than I'll bring her back..." Loki smiled walking out of the room.

Odin walked over to you, "You should get some rest" Odin said.

"But I wish to see my precious baby girl, please I want to see her" You smiled happily grasping Odin's hand firmly.

Odin sighed pulling away.

"Master... please..." You sighed.

"No!" Odin snapped his fingers making you fall asleep instantly.


Loki was in the bathroom cleaning his little baby girl up, she giggled cutely as her emerald green eyes faded to a bright red, her pale skin turned a bright icy blue as she reached out to Loki.

"P-P-P-pa-pa..." She mumbled and giggled.

"Yes I'm your Papa sweetie" Loki smiled and kissed her forehead, Loki smiled as once he finished washing her, he dried her off and wrapped her in a green blanket.

Loki carried her back into the room as he saw that You were sleeping.

"Why is my wife asleep, I thought she wanted to see our beautiful daughter?" Loki asked.

Odin suddenly turned into King Laufey as he grabbed the baby from Loki, "She is rightfully ours!" King Laufey growled before disappearing.

"No!" Loki cried, "Where's Odin!? The true Odin!?" Loki shouted.

Tears streamed down Frigga's cheek, "I knew it... I knew Odin was dead..." Frigga hugged thor sobbing into his chest.

"No! I will not let him take my little girl!" Loki shouted angrily.

You awoke from all the shouting as you looked at Loki and smiled, "Where's my beautiful little girl?" You smiled happily.

Loki looked at you worried.

"Uh... um..." Loki looked at you worried.

"Loki...? Where's our child?" You asked.

"Uh... King Laufey took her..." Loki sighed as he walked over to you.

You slapped Loki, "What!? You let him take our precious baby girl!" You shouted getting out of bed, you wobbled toward Loki as tears streamed down your cheeks.

"Please get my baby girl back..." You begged.

Loki hugged you kissing you passionately, "I promise to get our child back" Loki said as he disappeared.

Frigga quickly ran over to you hugging you tightly, "My sweet, I need to ask you a favor, I know this is the worst time but please... I need your help..." Frigga said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Yes mother Frigga?" You looked at her curiously.

"I need you to bring Odin back for me... I cannot live without him and neither can Asgard or the rest of the universe, it would fall apart without him..." Frigga cried.

"Mother Frigga... I'm not sure if I can..." You muttered looking at Frigga worryingly.

"Please, please you must try...." Frigga cried.

You nodded your head, "Bring Masters body and I shall try my utmost best" You said.

Frigga smiled as she kissed your cheek, "Thank you so much" Frigga smiled.

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