Loki X Reader (Chapter 13)

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A few hours later.

The Guards opened the doors throwing a banged up and bruised Thor onto the floor in front of you.

"Thor!" You cried pulling him into your lap and gently stroking his hair.

Thor was completely unconscious, Thor was barely breathing as you panicked even more now.

"What did Loki do to you?!" You cried kissing his forehead and continuously stroking his silky soft blonde hair.

Loki suddenly walked into the room as you quickly stood walking over to him and slapping him angrily.

"Loki! How could you bear to do this to your own brother!?" You shouted as suddenly one of the guards slapped you in the back of the head hardly making you fall to the floor.

"Don't touch her!" Loki growled at the guards.

"Sorry my lord..." The guards whispered as they bowed taking a step back.

"Leave me now so I may talk to Lady ______ " Loki said as the guards quickly left closing the doors behind them, Loki helped you up.

You pulled away from Loki trying to get your balance as you stood there swaying slightly.

"Loki! How could you do that to your own brother!?" You screamed.

Loki grabbed you by the neck, "If you do not stop shouting I shall do the same to you!" Loki growled.

You gasped for air kicking your feet trying to get free as Loki released you, You fell to the floor gasping and panting.

"L-Loki...?" You gasped trying to catch your breathe.

Loki turned and looked at you, "What?!" Loki growled.

"You do not love me anymore... don't you?" You muttered softly as tears clouded in your eyes, "What ever happened to my sweet innocent Loki who always cared for me and protected me no matter what happened...?" You asked softly.

"You want to know what happened!" Loki growled as you grabbed you by your hair pulling you to your feet.

"L-Loki..." You squeaked in pain.

"You know what happened during those 3 months _____!?" Loki shouted, "I thought you were dead and was never going to come back! I thought I had lost you! I was heartbroken ______!" Loki shouted as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"B-But I'm here now Loki..." You muttered looking scared.

"But all you seem to care about is everyone except for me!" Loki shouted.

"T-That's not true Loki... please don't cry..." You begged gently wiping his tears as Loki grabbed your wrist gripping it firmly.

You winced slightly moaning in pain.

Loki dug his nails into your wrist causing you to bleed, "Your lying! Your the one who doesn't love me! All you care about is your stupid friends! Well you know what!? I don't need any bloody friends!" Loki shouted pushing you away.

You fell to the floor, Your eyes beat red.

"Guards! Take this pathetic girl to the dungeon!" Loki shouted angrily as guards burst through the doors grabbing you and dragging you down into the dungeon.

"Loki!" You cried as the guards through you into a sell locking the door and walking away.

You sat there sobbing, You thought to yourself wondering how this could have got out of hand so easily, you felt like this was all your fault, but you must have hope, you cannot give up.

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