Loki X Reader (Chapter 77)

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Loki walked up to Heimdall, "You are revealed of your post" Loki said sternly.

"And why should I trust a traitor like you?" Heimdall asked looking at Loki not moving at all.

"Odin has told me you have been revealed of your post! Now move!" Loki growled angrily.
"Bring Odin to me and I shall leave" Heimdall said.

Loki growled angrily as he smirked pulling out the cube and freezing Hiemdall completely, Loki smirked walking into the Bifrost, Loki sighed putting Odin's staff into the whole.

Loki walked out of the Bifrost heading back toward the kingdom, Loki headed back toward his room, "It shall be destroyed soon..." Loki muttered.

You smiled a bit walking toward Loki and hugging him tightly, "You realize that I will be put in jail for such mischief" Loki said.

"Not if I said I did it" You said.

Loki looked at you surprised, "No, I won't let you take such blame" Loki said kissing you passionately and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Loki... I don't want you to be sent to jail" You said lovingly grasping Loki's hand.

Loki looked at you worried.

"And if they do decide to punish me, I want you to take care of our daughter okay" You smiled for Loki.

You and Loki heard a huge explosion, the ground shook as you and Loki fell to the ground, your baby girl began crying.

The shaking suddenly stopped as Loki quickly ran to his daughters room picking her up and calming her down.

Two guards suddenly walked into the room, "I destroyed Jotunhiem!" You growled as the guards grabbed you dragging you out of the room.

Loki sighed looking worried but held his little girl close.

The guards grabbed you dragging you into Odin's room, the guards left the room closing the doors behind him.

Odin walked up to you sighing, "I am very disappointed in you" Odin said.

"I did for a damn good reason, The Frost Giants were coming into Asgard causing harm and you didn't bother to do anything about it! Your lucky I even brought you back!" You shouted.

Odin was silent but looked down.

You looked at Odin surprised as you realized what you had said, "I didn't mean to get angry master..." You muttered softly.

"No.. your right... I never thanked you for bringing me back and I should have protected Asgard better" Odin said.

You sighed standing up and looking at Odin.

"I'm sorry... but you realize the people of Asgard will not allow you to get away so easily..." You muttered softly.

"Yes I know..." You sighed wondering what Odin was going to do to you.

"I'm going to have to send you to Asgardian jail for a while..." Odin said.

You sighed nodding your head as two guards walked into the room cuffing you and leading you through the Asgardian village leading you to jail.

The guards through you into a cell, "Have a nice time" The guards chuckled leaving.

You sighed getting up and looking around, "It can't be that bad..." You muttered softly sitting on the bed.

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