Loki X Reader (Chapter 12)

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You looked at Loki surprised but smiled a bit, Loki gently picked you up carrying you to his private chambers, Loki gently laid you on the bed as he kissed you again but this time it was even more passionate.

Your cheeks went red.

"L-Loki..." You muttered softly as Loki smirked beginning to take off his clothes and armor off.

"Loki.." You muttered and quickly stopped him.

"Yes darling...?" He asked gently pressing his soft lips against your collarbone, you could feel his breathe, it sent chills down your spine.

"Oh um... uh... never mind..." You muttered softly as Loki smirked.

Loki stripped down to his trousers as you looked down giggling cutely.

Loki gently lifted your chin, "You know I love you right...? You mean everything to me..." Loki smiled as he pressed his firm lips against yours.

"I love you too Loki..." You muttered softly and kissed back.

Loki suddenly pinned you to the bed as your cheeks went even redder, than a knock came at the door.

Loki growled, "I'm kind of in the middle of something!" Loki called.

"We have your brother my Lord, He is in the dungeons if you wish to see him my Lord" A Guard said.

You looked at Loki surprised, "Loki...?" You asked softly.

Loki quickly got off of you and got dressed heading toward the door.

You quickly got up running up to him and stopping him, "You made your guards capture your own brother Loki..?" You asked looking at him angrily.

"He deserves to be punished" Loki growled opening the door.

"Loki, no he does not, he is a living being and does not deserve to be punished..." You growled grabbing his arm.

Loki pushed you away making you fall to the floor as he slammed the door locking it.
"Loki!" You screamed banging on the door.

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