Loki X Reader (Chapter 49)

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Both you and Loki suddenly appeared in your house as Loki carried you upstairs and into your room, Loki gently lay you on your bed as you looked at Loki confused.

"We were supposed to go to London, England Loki... not my house..." You muttered softly.

"I know... but we can rest here for the night..." Loki smiled, "I also thought that you might want to take some of your stuff with you to England" Loki said.

"Okay..." You smiled at Loki lovingly.

Soon after you fell sound asleep.

The next morning

You slowly opened your eyes finding Loki's arms tightly wrapped around you, "Loki..." You muttered trying to pull away without waking him.

Loki suddenly let go of you as you fell off the bed groaning.

You got up off the floor and yawned.

You heard Loki yawn behind you, "Oh I borrowed one of your suitcases and brought some things from home..." Loki muttered tiredly.

"I also packed most of your toys and stuff..." Loki said.

"There not toys Loki... they are action figures and replica's" You crossed your arms and let out another yawn.

Loki chuckled, "Sure darling..." Loki smiled as he got up and kissed your cheek.

"Oh... well I guess we should probably go..." You said as suddenly realized Loki was in one of your ex-boyfriends sweaters.

"Oh... I thought it looked more human" Loki smiled innocently.

You than noticed Loki was wearing black skinny jeans and a pair of high-tops, you blushed and smiled kissing Loki's cheek thinking he looked cute.

"Come on..." You said gently pulling Loki toward you and disappearing with the luggage.

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