Loki X Reader (Chapter 70)

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You felt Loki's tears drip onto your cheeks as you kissed back wrapping your arms around Loki's neck.

"I love you so much, I need you..." Loki whispered to you as he lovingly began nipping at your ear than your neck.

You let out a small moan as you slowly ran your hands down Loki's abs.

Loki smiled happily as he nipped harder.

You smiled and twister Loki's arm causing him to wince as you instead pinned him, You giggled kissing Loki passionately.

Loki lovingly grasped your hand tightly as he kissed back.

"Loki..." You whispered in his ear as your hand traveled down to Loki's pants.

"Yes darling?" Loki smiled happily.

You suddenly realized what you were doing as you looked down sadly.

Loki put his hand to your cheek, "You were happy just a minute ago darling" Loki said as he smiled for you.

"Yes... but for those few moments I had forgotten about everything else..." You muttered softly.

"But you were happy... I love seeing you smile and I hate seeing you cry, I hate seeing you sad, I hate it knowing your hurting inside..." Loki said.

"Yes I was very happy... it's like we were in our own little happy place" You smiled brightly but looked around you sighing.

"Darling I would do anything to make you happy, so why don't... we just run away...? Ignore everyone else" Loki said.

"Last time we did that Loki... it didn't end well..." You sighed.

"Look, Odin is alive as he's found a safe place where no one could ever find us" Loki sat up kissing your forehead.

"Where is that?" You asked.

"The farthest end of the universe... were no one can disturb us.... we can raise our child there, just you and me... with no trouble at all" Loki smiled.

You looked at Loki confused, "Is it a palace, a planet?" You asked.

"It's a palace darling, more like a floating palace that's stuck on a rock, but I swear to you it is the most safest place" Loki said.

You smiled a bit kissing Loki passionately and lovingly grasping his hand.

"You will give birth in Asgard, you will be under great care by me and Odin and than we shall go to the palace and live there" Loki smiled happily.

"That's a wonderful idea Loki..." You smiled brightly.

"Than let's go" Loki said putting his shirt on.

You quickly stopped Loki, "No... were going to apologize to each other for the fight we had..." You said grabbing Loki's arm.

"I didn't mean anything I said darling... now come on" Loki said.

You shook your head again pulling Loki toward you but suddenly saw a white gas flow into the tube.

Loki covered your mouth as you covered Loki's.

The gas slowly knocked you both out as you fell on top of each other falling sound asleep.

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