LokiXReader (Chapter 75)[I won't let you take her]

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Loki appeared in Jotunhiem as he walked into the Frost Kingdom growling angrily, his eyes turning a blood red, and his skin turning a bright icy blue.

"Laufey!" Loki growled angrily, Loki suddenly heard a small baby girl crying.

Loki looked around the room seeing a small baby girl sitting on the throne crying her eyes out.

"Oh come here my darling, daddy's got you" Loki said as he picked her up holding her close.

"P-papa..." She muttered reaching out to Loki.

Loki smiled happily letting his baby girl wrap her tiny fingers around Loki's finger, "Let's go home sweetie" Loki smiled as suddenly King Laufey walked out from the shadows.

"Your not going anywhere" King Laufey growled.

Loki growled angrily holding his baby girl close, "I won't let you take her from me and my wife!" Loki shouted.

King Laufey chuckled.

"Please, my own wife hasn't even seen her, please at least give us some time with her!" Loki begged.

King Laufey looked at the other Frost Giants around him, "I shall make you a deal" King Laufey smirked, "You have until your child is the age of 5" King Laufey said.

Loki sighed but nodded his head and bowed walking out of the Frost Kingdom.

Loki's little girl didn't say a word as she just snuggled up to Loki.

Loki sighed disappearing.

Moments Later

Loki appeared back in Asgard as he walked toward Odin's room, Loki walked in seeing You doing a resurrection spell.

Once you had finished the spell your eyes glowed brighter than they ever did before, You winced fainting as Thor quickly caught you.

Odin gasped waking up as Frigga smiled happily hugging Odin, tears streamed down her cheeks, "Your back" Frigga smiled kissing Odin passionately.

"Where is the baby?" Odin asked worryingly.

"Don't worry, I've got her" Loki smiled holding his silent baby girl close, Loki looked at her curiously.

Odin smiled, "I'm glad she's safe" Odin said.

You suddenly opened your eyes looking at Thor, "Please don't tell me you kissed me" You looked around panicked.

Thor chuckled, "No I didn't hunny" Thor said as he put your feet back on the floor.

You saw Loki holding your little girl as you smiled happily walking over to Loki, "Hello, my sweetie" You smiled happily kissing your baby girls cheek.

She just stared at you with her bright emerald green eyes, she didn't smile at you or call you mama, just stared at you curiously clinging to her father.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, "May I hold her?" You asked.

Loki nodded his head handing her to you.

You held your little girl close kissing her forehead, "I'm your mama sweetie" You smiled a bit.

"Mama..." She muttered softly snuggling up to you.

You smiled happily, "Mama's got you baby girl" You smiled happily, you walked over to Thor, "This is your uncle, his name is Thor" You smiled.

She stared at Thor and grabbed her hair gently pulling on it, "Soft..." She muttered softly.

Thor chuckled kissing her cheek, "She is very cute" Thor smiled.

Loki smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist.

You turned toward Odin and Frigga, "And this is your Grandma and Grandpa" You smiled.

She stared at Odin and Frigga and snuggled into your hair looking nervous.

"I think she's a tad bit shy, but I'm sure she's warm up to everyone soon" You smiled at everyone around you.

"But aren't we going to go to the Palace?" Loki whispered to you.

You gently pulled Loki out of the room, "Loki... I've thought about it and well... I don't want to shut our little girl off from our family..." You muttered kissing your little girl on the forehead.

Loki sighed and didn't want to ever separate you and his little girl, Loki pulled you into his room closing the door and locking it, "I need to talk to you about something darling" Loki said looking at you worried.

You looked at Loki curiously wondering what was so important that he needed to talk to you about it right now.

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