Loki X Reader (Chapter 63)

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The next morning

You awoke to Loki by your side, his hand on your stomach, you smiled and kissed Loki's cheek.

"Good morning..." You muttered tiredly.

Loki's eyes slowly opened, "Good morning darling" Loki smiled as he gently rubbed your tummy.

You looked at Loki curiously.

Loki just looked down sadly as he slowly removed his hand off of your tummy.

"Loki...? Are you okay?" You asked lovingly grasping Loki's hand.

Loki nodded his head as he got up walking out of the room in his boxers, Loki walked into the kitchen beginning to make breakfast for you and himself.

You slowly got up looking in the mirror and realizing your baby bump had gotten a bit bigger, you sighed but walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

Loki smiled at you and kissed your forehead, "How about we make some pancakes?" Loki asked.

"Sure" You smiled a bit and kissed Loki's cheek, you noticed Loki's hand was on your stomach once more.

"Are you sure your okay..? Did Odin say something bad?" You asked.

"No darling, everything will be fine..." Loki muttered softly as he began making chocolate chip pancakes.

"Okay... and don't forget the bacon" You giggled.
Loki smiled and chuckled.

You winced a bit but held onto the counter taking a deep breathe.

Loki came up behind you and wrapped one of his arms around your waist and gently put his free hand on your stomach, "I'm guessing the child is a kicker... " Loki whispered to you.

You looked at Loki surprised, "You mean whenever I feel pain it's the baby kicking...?" You smiled a bit.

Loki nodded his head and kissed your cheek, Loki than gently pulled away and continued making some chocolate chip pancakes and some bacon.

Minutes later

You and Loki sat down on the dining table eating your breakfast, You noticed Loki looked sad as once you and Loki finished breakfast, you took his plate and yours bringing them into the kitchen.

You walked out of the kitchen not seeing Loki at the table as you looked around not seeing him anywhere.

"Loki...?" You asked walking into the bedroom not finding Loki in there either but you saw Loki's wedding ring sitting on the bed.

Tears streamed down your cheeks as you fell to your knees, you picked the ring up holding it close as you quietly began to sob.

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