Loki X Reader (Chapter 39)

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You suddenly appeared in Stark Tower.

"Okay... that seemed to work" You giggled and smiled.

"_______!" Tony shouted as he popped up from behind his bar, Tony smiled at you happily, "hey! Where have you been?" Tony asked.

"Long story..." You giggled.

Tony chuckled, "Come apparently everyone else is at your house, so let me give you a ride..." Tony smirked.

"I'll race you" You smirked and disappeared.

"Hey... no fare...." Tony crossed his arms and pouted, "and... how did you do that...?" Tony asked as he looked around the room, "right... talking to myself" Tony sighed, "I'm here if you want to talk sir" Jarvis said.

"No I don't feel like talking to a robot right now" Tony said as he walked to his limo.

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