Loki X Reader (Chapter 14)

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A few days later

You suddenly heard footsteps, You looked up seeing The Avengers in front of you all suited up.

"Hello _____" Hawkeye smirked.

You smiled a bit, "What are you all doing here...?" You asked softly.

"Here to save you of course" The Black Widow smirked as she picked the lock opening the cell door.

Thor walked over to you as he helped you up.

"Are you okay Thor...?" You asked softly barely being able to stand.

"Of course I am okay ______" Thor smiled as he picked you up holding you in his arms.

"Let's get out of here... The guards will probably be here soon" Iron Man said as Thor nodded his head.

Thor carried you out of the dungeon as The Avengers looked around suspiciously, "Where are the guards..? I assume they would be here waiting for us..." Captain America said.

You looked up at Thor a bit worried as he just smiled at you warmly.

The Black Widow loaded her gun, "It seems quiet... to quiet..." The Black Widow whispered, "Come out Reindeer games!" Iron Man shouted smirking.

But for some reason there was no answer.

"Brother Loki...?" Thor called.

But still, there was no answer, no guards, no Loki, just silence.

"Maybe they are just on Holiday..." Iron Man chuckled as he walked toward the front door but was blown back by an explosion, The Avengers including you, flew back into the wall than fell to the floor unconscious.

You slowly opened your eyes, Your ears rang loudly as you gasped slowly sitting up.

You looked around you seeing The Avengers on the floor unconscious.

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