Loki X Reader (Chapter 71)

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A few hours had passed.

You slowly awoke finding yourself strapped to a metallic table as Loki was fighting off nurses and doctors, Loki unstrapped you from the metallic table picking you up and disappearing.

Moments later

You and Loki appeared in Asgard, Loki brought you to Odin's room as he gently lay you in Odin's bed.

Odin walked into the room as he smiled, "Ah there you are" Odin smiled.

You smiled a bit as so did Loki, "Master okay?" You asked.

"Yes master is okay" Odin smiled walking toward you.

You smiled happily and lovingly grasped Loki's hand, "I love you Loki... I'm so glad everything's finally going to be okay" You smiled.

Loki kissed your forehead and put his hand on your stomach.

Odin smiled, "I shall give you two some privacy" Odin bowed than left the room.

Loki rubbed your stomach, "May I listen...?" Loki asked.

"Of course" You smiled, "He hasn't kicked in a while... he's probably missed you" You smiled happily.

Loki put his ear to your stomach as he gasped but smiled for you.

You smiled as well.

Loki had actually heard nothing as he just kept fake smiling, "What did you hear?" You asked.

"The child seems to be moving a lot" Loki lied but kissed your cheek.

"We should probably get some rest darling" Loki wrapped a blanket around you both as he pulled you close.

You looked at Loki strangely but nodded your head resting your head on Loki's chest falling sound asleep.

You awoke in the middle of the night as you gently shook Loki but he wouldn't wake, you got out of bed but suddenly realized your bottom half of your body was soaked in blood, you screamed closing your eyes.

You opened your eyes seeing Loki sitting in front of you.

"Darling what's wrong!?" Loki asked looking at you worried.

You suddenly realized you were sitting in bed but this time you weren't covered in blood, you looked around and suddenly realized it was morning.

"Are you okay?!" Loki asked worryingly.

You nodded your head, "Must have been a dream..." you muttered softly.

"Was is a nightmare darling?" Loki asked.

You nodded your head and sighed as you got out of bed looking in the mirror, you put your hand to your stomach, you were beginning to get worried because the baby hadn't kicked in a while.

Loki came up behind you wrapping his arms around you, Loki's eyes turned bright red as his skin turned a bright icy blue, he put his hand to your stomach.

You suddenly felt a kick as you gasped and smiled happily.

"See, he just needed his fathers true touch" Loki smiled.

"I love your true form Loki..." You muttered softly as you turned looking at Loki and kissing him passionately.

Loki smiled and kissed back.

"You taste like peppermint and smell like winter... I love it..." You smiled lovingly grasping Loki's hand.

Loki smiled but turned back to normal.

"No I want to see you Jotun form Loki..." You smiled, "And I want you to go to breakfast like that as well" You smirked.

Loki shook his head taking a few steps away from you.

"Loki please, you should not hide yourself..." You said putting your hand to Loki's cheek.

"Than you must go to breakfast in your true form as well..." Loki said.

You looked at Loki worried, "Loki I don't know my true form... though I think I am a cube..." You sighed.

"Just think of your true form darling, let your thoughts travel" Loki kissed you passionately.

You closed your eyes thinking to yourself for a moment, when you opened your eyes, they were a bright florescent blue, you looked at Loki curiously but smiled.

Loki's eyes turned blood red as his skin turned icy blue.

"Blue..." You giggled and smiled, your body glowed a bright blue.

Loki smiled kissing your cheek as he led you into the dining hall.

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