Loki X Reader (Chapter 97)

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Loki and Mikayla suddenly appeared in Asgard.

Loki slowly carried Mikayla into his room where you were resting, Loki gently lay Mikayla beside you, Loki wrapped a blanket around Mikayla and lovingly kissed her forehead.

Loki walked over to you and knelt down next to the next, “My darling…?” Loki asked.

You were half asleep and slowly opened your eyes, “Yes my love?” You asked.

“I have brought our darling daughter back” Loki smiled happily kissing your forehead.

You slowly sat up and looked at Loki surprised, “Is she okay?” You asked worryingly, you looked at Loki concerned and scared that your daughter might be hurt.

Loki gently turned your head.

Your daughter lay on the bed beside you sound asleep, though she seemed to shiver and jump every once in a while.

You smiled happily and got up rushing to your daughters bed side kissing her forehead.

“Come my darling… let our daughter rest and once she wakes I will get her into some warm clothes…” Loki whispered to you and caressed his arms around your waist and gently pulled you out of the room.

Hours Later

Mikayla slowly opened her eyes yawning; she slowly sat up looking around the dark cold room, “Brucie…” Mikayla muttered softly as she slowly got up from the bed.

Loki suddenly walked into the room as Mikayla looked around and grabbed a pillow throwing it at Loki.

Mikayla quickly hid behind the bed.

“Please don’t be scared darling” Loki begged as he fixed his hair and handed Mikayla a pile of clean clothes, “I got you a some clean clothes, I don’t want you to catch cold from being in those wet clothes” Loki chuckled.

“I cannot catch a cold…” Mikayla muttered as she took off her clothes and got into the fresh clean clothes that Loki had brought her.

Loki quickly turned away when Mikayla took off her clothes.

“I’m an Ice or blue Giant as Tony calls me…” Mikayla muttered softly.

“You are a Frost Giant darling…” Loki sighed as he slowly turned around looking at Mikayla, he smiled thinking Mikayla just looked exactly like her mother.

“So… did Dr. Banner or man of Iron teach you how to talk?” He asked.

Mikayla shook her head, “I taught myself…” She muttered softly walking up to Loki poking his cheek, she than touched his hair looking at him curiously.

Loki smiled and watched Mikayla poke at him, “Hey I want you to try something on, I think it would look good on you” He smiled and walked over to his night stand and picked up his helmet, he walked over to Mikayla and placed it on her head.

Mikayla smiled looking in the mirror; she giggled cutely and smiled at Loki.

“One day you’ll wear it” Loki smiled and took it off Mikayla’s head.

“When daddy?” She asked.

“When you’re older darling” Loki smiled happily kissing Mikayla’s forehead, her wrapped his arms around Mikayla, “I’ve missed you my little angel…” Loki whispered to her.

“I-I missed you too daddy…” Mikayla muttered softly as she slowly hugged back.

You suddenly walked into the room and saw Loki and Mikayla hugging, you smiled and slowly walked out of the room leaving the two to talk.

“So when am I allowed to see Brucie again…?” Mikayla asked as she sat on the bed, Loki grabbed a brush from the nightstand and sat behind Mikayla.

“I don’t know my little angel, me and mommy don’t think your safe around him…” Loki sighed.

“Just because he turns into a big green giant doesn’t mean he’s dangerous…” Mikayla muttered softly letting out a sigh.

Loki gently began brushing Mikayla’s hair, “Darling he is dangerous…” He said.

“Has Brucie hurt you?” She asked.

“Yes in fact he has…” Loki sighed shivering a bit remembering that time The Hulk smashed him on the floor over and over again.

“Oh… well I’m sure he didn’t mean to…” Mikayla sighed.

“No I think he did….” Loki muttered and continued to brush Mikayla’s hair.

Loki than began to braid Mikayla’s long black hair, after Loki finished braiding her hair, Loki stood and smiled at Mikayla, “You look beautiful” He smiled happily.

“Thank you daddy…” Mikayla blushed a bit.

Thor suddenly walked into the room looking at Mikayla curiously.

Loki rolled his eyes, “I do not want a fool around my daughter” He growled angrily.

“I am her uncle I am allowed to talk to her” Thor growled at Loki angrily.

Loki walked up to Thor growling angrily, “Get out now!” Loki shouted angrily glaring at Thor.

“Make me!” Thor shouted.

Mikayla sighed sadly as she got up and pushed them out of her way and walked out of the room, she barely knew Loki or Thor but didn’t want to hear them fight.

Mikayla walked around the Kingdom of Asgard when she ran into the All-Father.

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