Loki X Reader (Chapter 100)

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When you found Loki, he quickly brought you to the throne room; you wondered what the hell was going on.

“Loki what’s going on?” You asked looking at Loki curiously.

“Mikayla is about to be crowned Queen of Asgard” Loki smiled.

“What?” You stopped Loki, “She is not ready for that Loki…” You sighed.

“Yes she is… she deserves it more than me… I’m sure she will be a wonderful queen…” Loki smiled happily kissing you passionately.

“I’m sure she will be a wonderful Queen but she’s not ready Loki” You said sternly.

“She’ll be perfectly fine…” Loki smiled, “Come… we must help her get ready…” Loki smiled and changed directions leading you toward his room.

Loki pulled you into his room.

Mikayla was standing on a stool, Asgardian women were dressing Mikayla in her crowning outfit, Mikayla looked at her mother and father worried.

“Don’t move miss!” One of the women said sternly sticking Mikayla with a pin.

Mikayla squeaked and looked at her father worried.

“Don’t worry darling you’re going to be perfect” Loki smiled.

“Daddy I’m nervous…” Mikayla muttered softly, “I don’t think I’m ready for this…”Mikayla sighed sadly.

“Come on…. You’re the daughter of The God of Mischief! You can do this!” Loki smiled happily, “And my little lady needs a name for her people to call her…” Loki said.

“Is Mikayla not grand enough?” You asked.

“How about Lady Loki?” Loki smiled, “It suites you perfectly darling” Loki chuckled.

You smiled a bit, “It does suite her…” You muttered softly lovingly grasping Loki’s hand.
“Lady Loki! Queen of Asgard! I love it!” Loki chuckled.

Mikayla smiled at her mother and father happily.

The Asgardian women had finished with Mikayla’s outfit, “You look beautiful Lady Loki” One of the women smiled.

“Why thank you…” Mikayla smiled and blushed.

“Come darling…. Tis almost time for you to be crowned Queen of Asgard…” Loki smiled and helped Mikayla off the stool.

“Daddy…. I do not understand why you don’t want to be king…” Mikayla muttered softly.

“You deserve it much more than me darling…” Loki said.

Mikayla smiled and walked up to Loki hugging her tightly.

“Come darling it is time…” Loki and you led Mikayla to the throne room.

Mikayla walked into the throne room seeing hundreds maybe even thousands of Asgardian people staring at Mikayla, Mikayla saw the All-Father standing in front of the throne.

“Daddy…. I’m nervous… I don’t think I can do this… am I even old enough to become Queen?” Mikayla asked.

“Shhh… calm down darling…” Loki led Mikayla down the aisle and toward.

Loki and Mikayla stopped in front of the steps; Loki smiled and kissed her cheek, “Go on darling…” Loki whispered to her.

Mikayla smiled and walked up the steps and toward Odin, Mikayla was anxious and scared she might mess up.

“Kneel down dear…” Odin whispered to her.

Mikayla kneeled down in front of Odin.

The crowd began to chatter, “Silence!” Odin’s voice echoed around the room, the chatter came to a silence.

“Will you…. Lady Loki protect Asgard?” Odin asked.

“Yes” Mikayla said.

“Will you…. Lady Loki protect your people by any means necessary, even if it means taking your own life…?” Odin asked.

“Yes…” Mikayla said.

“Will you… Lady Loki… be Queen of Asgard?” Odin asked.

“Yes, I wish to be” Mikayla smiled.

“Then I the All-Father, the old king of Asgard, make Lady Loki the new Queen of Asgard!” Odin exclaimed.

“You may rise now my dear” Odin whispered to Mikayla.

Mikayla smiled and stood up straight.

“Bow down to your new Queen! Lady Loki!” Odin shouted.

The crowd cheered and clapped loudly and began chanting ‘Lady Loki’.

Mikayla blushed and smiled, she was now known as Lady Loki, Queen of Asgard.

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