Loki X Reader (Chapter 72)

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Everyone gasped when You and Loki walked into the dining hall, Thor and Sif stared at Loki than stared at you.

"Is that you Loki?" Thor stood walking over to Loki.

Loki nodded his head and sighed.

You sighed at Thor as Thor jumped back, "_________?" Thor looked at you surprised.

"Hello Thor..." You smiled sweetly sitting down at the dining table with Loki eating your breakfast.

Sif wouldn't stop staring at you.

"Good morning Sif..." You smiled but sighed.

"Good morning..." Sif muttered moving her chair away.

You sighed looking at Loki worried.

After breakfast

You were about to walk into the lounge area where Thor and his friends would hang out, but you stopped hearing them chatter about you and Loki.

"Why would the All-father bring a Jotun child to Asgard Thor, we didn't he tell us?" Sif looked at Thor confused.

"I don't know, my own brother! A Frost Giant!?" Thor growled angrily.

"And that girl! She's a freak, have you see her eyes? I've seen such an ugly creature" Sif said.

"The All-father created her and we should respect her" Hogun said.

"Well it is Loki's new wife and I think we should treat her with respect as we should Loki" Volstagg said getting some cheese and fruit.

"But Loki has betrayed us so many times, why should we trust him, or that girl?" Fandral sighed.

"She is a very nice girl and brother Loki is trying to start over again..." Thor said.

"But for all we now that girl, if she is the Tesseract, with just a word she could cause the great war of the gods!" Sif shouted.

Thor sighed, "Sif, she would never do such a thing" Thor chuckled.

You sighed sadly walking toward Odin's room but winced falling to your knees, "A-Ahhh..." You covered your mouth trying not to scream in pain.

"L-Loki..." You muttered softly panting a bit as suddenly the pain went away.

You used the wall to get up, "Oh my..." You muttered softly, you suddenly realized you stomach had grown a bit bigger as you sighed looking nervous.

You slowly walked into Odin's room as you saw Loki sitting on his bed shirtless talking to himself, "Hmmm name for a boy, Loki, And I guess I could always name a girl Loki too..." Loki chuckled.

You smiled, "I think Loki would be a nice name" You giggled.

Loki turned and smiled at you, "Oh hello darling" Loki smiled innocently as he walked up to you.

You blushed and kissed Loki's cheek.

Loki put his hand on your stomach feeling a small kick, "Do you think it's a boy? Or a girl?" Loki asked.

"I'm not sure... I would like either one" You smiled.

"I would like a girl, but also wouldn't mind a boy" Loki smiled.

You walked over to the bed sitting down but wincing a bit, "The child is quite kicker... though I wish the child wouldn't so much..." You smiled innocently as the kicking suddenly stopped, You smiled putting your hand on your stomach.

"You can still kick every once in a while hunny but not to much" You smiled as the baby kicked once, you giggled and smiled.

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